
Module 6 Animals in danger Unit 3 Language in use教学设计(表格式)-外研版英语八年级上册

日期:2024-10-04 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:73次 大小:28936Byte 来源:二一课件通
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教学设计 课程基本信息 学科 英语 年级 八年级 学期 秋季 课题 Module 6 Animals in danger Unit 3 Language in use 教科书 书 名:外研社英语八年级上册教材 -出卷网-:外语教学与研究-出卷网- 教学目标 By the end of the class, students are expected to 1. learn more about animals in danger around the world through viewing, watching and reading; 2. analyze the reasons why animals are in danger and discuss to find out more ways to protect them by viewing and watching; 3. learn how to make a poster to voice for animals in danger and try to present the poster with the help of the checklist; 4. realize the importance of helping animals and voice for them in the real life. 教学重难点 教学重点: 1. Analyze the reasons why animals are in danger and discuss to find out more ways to protect them by viewing and watching; 2. Learn how to make a poster to voice for animals in danger and try to present the poster with the help of the checklist; 3.Realize the importance of helping animals and voice for them in the real life. 教学难点: Learn how to make a poster to voice for animals in danger and try to present the poster with the help of the checklist. 教学过程 Teaching Objectives Learning activities Effectiveness evaluation ·Lead in the topic of helping animals in danger through a video and broaden Ss’ views through learning more endangered animals ; ·Get more information about the South China tiger through reading and know the fact that they are in danger. ·Get some basic information about the blue whale and the wild Bactrian camel through reading and watching; Step 1 Watch and think T plays a video of endangered animals and guides Ss to think about the living situation of the wild animals. And then guided Ss to talk about more animals in danger. Step 2 Let’s read. Ss read the passage about one of the endangered animals: the South China tiger and complete the passage. Step 3 Read and answer Ss read the passage fast to find out more animals in danger . After that, Ss read the passage again and complete the table. Step 4 watch and check Ss watch a short video about the blue whale and view the map of Mogolia to broaden their horizons about the animals. Observe Ss’ reaction and get to know their background information and existed knowledge about the animals in danger according to their answers. Observe Ss’ reaction to see if they can get the information of the South China tiger after reading and learn to use “to do” in the context. Observe Ss’ reaction to see if they can get the key information when they watch the video and read the passage. Check how much they know about the blue whale and the wild bactrian camel according to their answers. ·Discuss and understand the reasons why the animals are in danger and develop the ability of compassion for animals. ·Discuss the ways to help animals in danger by using “to do” structure. ·Listen and complete a poster about wildlife club. ·Know the importance and necessity to help animals and make a poster to voice for a ... ...

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