ID: 21121802

Module 4 Unit 1 You must be careful of falling stones课件(共30张PPT,内嵌音频)-外研版英语九年级下册

日期:2025-03-09 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:16次 大小:37450941B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 4 Rules and suggestions Unit 1 You must be careful of falling stones. By the end of the class, you will be able to: Learning objectives use modal verbs properly to express rules and suggestions; listen for specific information about rules and suggestions that Mr. Jackson gives; make a list of rules and suggestions for the walkers in the hills; share rules and suggestions about visiting the Summer Palace with your friends. 1 3 2 4 Let’s have a discussion. Are there any difficulties during your trip What are they Do you have any experiences of a walk in the mountains 1 2 Would you like to tell us something about your experiences 3 Think about and give other suggestions for people who go walking in the mountains. You must take enough food and water. You must choose the right way. You must take a map. You must pay attention to the warning signs. Listen and complete the table. The trip Betty’s class will have When Betty will leave Where Betty’s class will go What the suggestions are What Betty thinks of the trip Listen and complete the table. The trip Betty’s class will have When Betty will leave Where Betty’s class will go What the suggestions are What Betty thinks of the trip Tomorrow morning. The Western Hills. ① Everyone should bring a picnic lunch. ② You should take plenty of water. ③ You mustn’t drink the water from a stream. ④ Don’t walk too close to the sides of the hill path. There’s nothing much to worry about the trip. What will Mr. Jackson tell his class about Look and think. Mr. Jackson will tell his class about... where they are going when the trip starts and finishes what they should bring what rules they should pay attention to Enjoy the video and check the things that are mentioned in the conversation. Enjoy the video and check the things that are mentioned in the conversation. I’m starving! Don’t drink all your water in one go. 一口气 starve (v.) 挨饿 = I’m very hungry. Read the dialogue and answer the questions. Where does Mr. Jackson suggest they should not walk too close to When does Mr. Jackson tell his class rules and suggestions Why do they have to keep together Why does Mr. Jackson tell students not to go rock climbing 1 2 3 4 Read the dialogue and answer the questions. Where does Mr. Jackson suggest they should not walk too close to When does Mr. Jackson tell his class rules and suggestions Why do they have to keep together Why does Mr. Jackson tell students not to go rock climbing 1 2 3 4 Before they set off. The edge of the hill path. Because they don’t get lost. Because he thinks it is dangerous. It may hurt themselves. Rules and suggestions wear strong shoes and thick socks wear proper clothes should must have to … keep together be careful of falling stones have a fairly smooth walk Let’s draw a mind map. sock 袜子 n. proper 合适的 adj. stone 石头 n. fairly 相当 adv. smooth 光滑的 adj. Rules and suggestions have anything to eat at an ... ...

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