ID: 21157958

Unit 1 School Is Interesting:Warming up(课件)-《英语基础模块1》同步教学(外研版)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:素材 查看:94次 大小:178955726B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 英 英 语 语 Unit 1 School Is Interesting You’ll be able to: describe your favorite school subject; talk about your school life; design a simple poster. Look at the picture and discuss: 1. Where are the students 2. Are they happy Why 目录 Contents 01 Warming up 02 Listening & Speaking 03 Reading & Writing 04 For Better Performance 05 Around the World 06 Fun Time 07 My Progress Check 01 Warming up 02 Listening & Speaking Learn the words poster / p st / n. 海报 dormitory / d m t r / n. 寝室 nursing / n s / n. 护理技巧 program / pr ɡr m/ 程序 mechanical /m k n k l/ adj. 机械的 workshop / w k p/ n. 车间;工场 e-commerce /'i:k m :s/ n. 电子商务 basics /'be s ks/ n. 基础 different / d fr nt/ adj. 不同的 skill-training /sk l- tre n / n. 技能训练 machine /m i n/ n. 机器 business / b zn s/ n. 商业;生意 operate / p re t/ v. 操作 describe /d skra b/ v. 描述 design /d za n/ v. 设计;计划 patient / pe nt/ n. 病人 cookery / k k ri/ n. 烹饪法;烹饪术 practise / pr kt s/ v. 练习;实践 popular / p pj l / adj. 受欢迎的 creative /kri e t v/ adj. 有创造力的 practical / pr kt k l/ adj. 实践的;实际的 Learn the words program skill-training cookery dormitory business machine e-commerce design 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 good memory! nursing 1 01 Warming up 1. Listen and match. 听录音,将下列词语与图片匹配。 classroom library dormitory playground Listening Material The classroom is bright and large. We can borrow books from the library. The dormitory is clean and bright. Students can play football in the playground. 01 nursing program design chemistry mechanical basics English history 2. Look and choose. 看图,选出你正在学习的课程。 Warming up 01 02 Listening & Speaking 1. Listen and choose. 听录音,选出对话的主题。 New school New teachers Wu Lin’s new school is quite . She can learn to different in workshops. She’s at school. 02 Listening & Speaking 2. Listen again and complete. 再听录音,填写吴琳学校生活的相关信息。 听力原文 different machines operate skill-training happy 02 Listening & Speaking 02 Li Wei: Hello, Wu Lin. How are you Are you happy at your new school Wu Lin: Yes, my new school is quite different. Li Wei: Really In what way Wu Lin: We have skill-training workshops. Li Wei: What do you usually do there Wu Lin: We can learn how to operate different machines. I like it a lot. Li Wei: That’s interesting. 中文翻译 Listening & Speaking 02 李伟:嗨,吴琳。你好吗?在新学校过得开心吗? 吴琳:开心,我的新学校非常不一样。 李伟:真的吗?哪里不一样了? 吴琳:我们有实训室。 李伟:你们通常在实训室做什么? 吴琳:我们可以学习使用不同的设备。我很喜欢这些操作。 李伟:那很有趣。 题目 Listening & Speaking 02 3. Work in pairs. 两人一组,根据提示介绍学校的实训活动。 e-commerce training room; do business online hospital; take care of patients Listening & Speaking 02 4. Listen and complete. 听录音,了解吴琳的课程,填写下表。 听力原文 What is Wu Lin’s favourite class Why does she like it What can she do in the class Cook ... ...

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