
外研九上Module 12 Save our world知识清单+默写清单

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:24次 大小:273760Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 M12 U1 一、单词 1.factory 工厂 2.pollute 污染 3.recycle 回收 4. waste 废物 5. enemy 敌人 6.crop 庄稼 7.kill 杀死 8.oil 石油 9. less 较少的 10. hopeless 无望的 二、词组 1.be worried about 担心 2.be polluted 被污染 3.spread over 扩散 4.cause pollution 制造污染 5.recycle the waste 回收废物 6.collect waste 收集废物 7.in poor areas 在贫困地区 8.save energy 节约能源 9.start to do sth 开始去做某事 10.make sb ill 使某人生病 11.nice idea 好主意 12.such as 例如 三、句子 1. I am worried about the teacher. 我对未来感到担心。 2. The rivers are polluted. 河流被污染了。 3. Pollution is danger to our health. 污染危及我们的健康。 4. Pollution from factories spreads over cities. 来自工厂的污染扩散到城市。 5. Students learn ways to save energy. 学生学习节约能源的方式。 四、语言点考点 1.pollute v. 污染 Many things pollute water. 很多东西污染水。 pollution n. The pollution problems are series. 污染问题很严重。 2.less adj. 较少的 less是little 的比较级,修饰不可数名词。 less than 少于 We should eat less fat. 我们应该减少脂肪摄入。 3.hopeless adj. 无望的 She felt lonely and hopeless. 她感到孤独绝望。 反义词 hopeful adj. 有希望的 4.It’s no use doing sth. 做某事是没用的。It’s no use crying. 哭是没用的。 5.be worried about sth 担心某事 I’m worried about your study. 我很担心你的学习。 6.cause v.造成;引起 n. 原因;起因 Can you tell me what cause the fire 你能告诉我是什么引起这场火的? What’s the cause of his death 他死亡的原因是什么? 7.waste n. 废物;废料 Lots of waste polluted the river. 许多废物污染了河流。 v. 浪费 waste time /money (in) doing sth 浪费时间、金钱做某事 waste time /money on sth /sb 浪费时间、金钱在某事某人上 Don’t waste time from now on. 从今以后不要浪费时间了。 8.use …for… 为……而使用,表目的或用途。 Farmers can’t use the water for their crops. 农民不能用水来灌溉庄稼了。 M12 U1模块即时检测 一、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。 1.Driving fast may _____(引起) accidents. 2.We will visit a _____(工厂) tomorrow. 3. You should eat _____ (较少的) meat and more vegetables. 4. The soldier pointed his gun at the _____(敌人), saying “Hands up”. 5.The farmers are busy planting _____(庄稼) in the fields. 6._____ (石油) is an important energy for us. 7. Don’t _____ (杀) animals. They are our friends. 8.It’s _____ (希望渺茫的)for him to pass the exam this time. 二、单选 ( ) 1.It’s no use _____ to him like that. A.talk B.talks C.talking ( ) 2.The work can’t _____ in such a short time. A.finish B.finished C.be finished ( ) 3.— We are free today. How about going out for a picnic this afternoon?—_____. A.Nice idea B.Never mind C.You’re welcome. ( ) 4. It’s better _____ the waste instead of throwing it away. A.to recycle B.to put C.to reduce ( ) 5.The mobile phone _____ for communication. A.used B.uses C.is used ( ) 6.Air _____ is also a danger to our health. A.pollution B.polluted C .pollute ( ) 7.We should stop people from _____ the river. A.pollution B.polluted C. polluting ( ) 8.Don’t waste time in _____ the computer games. ... ...

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