ID: 21167472

小学英语四年级绘本阅读——人物故事 练习(含解析)

日期:2024-10-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:74次 大小:818288B 来源:二一课件通
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Ma Liang likes drawing. But he is very poor, so he doesn't have a brush. One night, Ma Liang dreams of an old man. He gives Ma Liang a brush. Ma Liang draws a bird with the brush. The bird flies away. So he knows it's a magic brush. He helps poor people with his magic brush. An official hears of Ma Liang's magic brush. He lets Ma Liang draw some gold for him. Ma Liang doesn't want to draw for him. He has an idea. Ma Liang draws the sea first. Then he draws a gold hill in the sea. And he draws a boat for the official. At last, Ma Liang draws lots of wind. Then the official never comes back. Ma Liang can draw for poor people again. 1.Ma Liang likes drawing, but he doesn't have _____. ( ) A.grass B.sticks C.a brush 2.Ma Liang dreams of _____. He gives Ma Liang a magic brush. ( ) A.a young (年轻) man old woman old man 3.The official wants Ma Liang to draw _____ for him. ( ) A.some gold B.the sea C.a bird. 4.At last, the official _____. ( ) A.comes back dead (死) C.gets the gold 5.根据故事情节发展,下列图片排列顺序正确的是_____。( ) ① ② ③ ④ A.②③①④ B.③②④① C.②③④① 参考答案: 1.C 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.C 【分析】本文主要讲了神笔马良的故事。 1.句意:马良喜欢画画,但是他没有_____。A草,B贴纸,C刷子,根据Ma Liang likes drawing. But he is very poor, so he doesn't have a brush.,可知马良没有刷子,故选C。 2.句意:马良梦见了_____。他给马良了一支神笔。A一位年轻人,B一位老妇人,C一位老人,根据One night, Ma Liang dreams of an old man.,可知马良梦见了一位老人,故选C。 3.句意:官员想要马良给他画_____。A一些金子,B海,C一只鸟,根据An official hears of Ma Liang's magic brush. He lets Ma Liang draw some gold for him.,可知官员想要马良给他画金子,故选A。 4.句意:最后,官员_____。A回来,B死了,C得到了金子,根据At last, Ma Liang draws lots of wind. Then the official never comes back.,可知最后官员死了,故选B。 5.根据短文可知讲述的顺序是:老人给马良神笔-马良帮助穷人-官员想让马良画金子-马良给官员画大风,故选C。 【点睛】

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