ID: 21167482

小学英语五年级绘本阅读——天气与季节 练习(含解析)

日期:2024-10-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:13次 大小:752973B 来源:二一课件通
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读绘本,按要求完成相应的练习。 How Is the Weather Today Written by Cheryl Ryan· Illustrated by Darcy Tom Every day I watch the weather report on TV. Knowing about the weather is important to me. Spring How is the weather today The weatherman says it will be warm with showers. I will wear my raincoat. I will go fishing with Dad. Summer How is the weather today The weatherman says it will be stormy. I will play in the house. Summer How is the weather today The weatherman says it will be hot. I will go to the beach. _____ How is the weather today The weatherman says it will be cool and windy. I will wear my jacket. I will fly my kite. _____ How is the weather today The weatherman says it will snow. I will wear my coat. I will make a snowman. The weather changes with the seasons. I like changing weather. I can wear different clothes. I can do different things. 1.读绘本,在表格的横线处填上相应的信息。 Seasons Weather Things to do spring warm with showers summer stormy play in the house go to the beach cool and windy and cold make a smowman 2.读绘本,选择正确的答案。 (1) It will be warm with showers so the girl will wear _____ and go fishing. ( ) A. coat B. jacket C. raincoat (2) We should _____ if it is stormy outside. ( ) A. go fishing B. stay at home C. have a picnic (3) The weather in every season is _____. ( ) A. different B. the same C. strange (4) Which is not right ( ) A. The girl wear the same clothes in every season. B. The weather changes with the seasons. C. The girl can do different things in different seasons. 参考答案: 1. go fishing hot autumn fly kites##fly a kite winter snowy 2. C B A A 【导语】本文主要讲了在不同季节里的天气、人们的穿着和人们做的事情。 1.(1)根据“I will go fishing with Dad.”可知在春天里我会去钓鱼,故答案为go fishing。 (2)根据“The weatherman says it will be stormy.The weatherman says it will be hot.”可知夏天的天气将会有暴风雨而且炎热,故答案为hot。 (3)根据“How is the weather today The weatherman says it will be cool and windy.I will wear my jacket. I will fly my kite.”天气将会是凉爽的而且多风的。我会穿夹克衫。我会放风筝。可知是秋季autumn,故答案为autumn。 (4)根据“I will fly my kite.”可知在秋天可以放风筝,故答案为fly kites/fly a kite。 (5)根据“How is the weather today The weatherman says it will snow.I will wear my coat. I will make a snowman.”天将会下雪。我会穿外套。我会堆雪人。可知是冬天winter,故答案为winter。 (6)根据“The weatherman says it will snow.”天将会下雪,可知天气是多雪的snowy,故答案为snowy。 2.(1)句意:天气将会暖和伴有阵雨,所以这位女孩会穿_____去钓鱼。A外套,B夹克衫,C雨衣,根据“The weatherman says it will be warm with showers.I will wear my raincoat.I will go fishing with Dad.”天气预报员说天气将会是温暖伴有阵雨。我会穿上我的雨衣。我会和爸爸去钓鱼。可知小女孩会穿上雨衣去钓鱼,故选C。 (2)句意:我们应该_____如果外面是暴风雨。A去钓鱼,B呆在家里,C野餐,根据“The weatherman says it will be stormy.I will play in the house.”天气预报员说天气将会有暴风雨。我会在房子里玩。可知外 ... ...

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