

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:56次 大小:8631911Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    浙江省金华市义乌市宾王中学2023-2024学年八年级下学期开学检测英语试题 1.(2024八下·义乌开学考) What will Jim do on Saturday? A.Go shopping. B.Make new friends. C.Go to the English club. 【答案】C 【知识点】询问意向;非正式用语;周末活动 【解析】【听力原文】W: Let's go to the English club on Saturday, Jim. M: That sounds interesting. Let me buy some chocolate for our friends in the club today. W: If you take chocolate to the club, everyone will be happy. 【分析】问题:吉姆星期六会做什么?根据"Let's go to the English club on Saturday, Jim." 吉姆,我们星期六去英语俱乐部吧。 ;以及"That sounds interesting. Let me buy some chocolate for our friends in the club today." 听起来很有趣。让我今天买些巧克力给俱乐部的朋友们吧。 可推知,吉姆星期六会去英语俱乐部,故选C。 【点评】考查短对话理解。注意排除干扰信息,在听力短对话中,往往存在一些与题目无关或误导性的信息。在解题时,要学会排除这些干扰信息,专注于与题目相关的内容,从而避免被误导。 2.(2024八下·义乌开学考) How will Alice go home? A.By car. B.By bus. C.By bike. 【答案】A 【知识点】询问意向;正式用语;直接用语;日常活动 【解析】【听力原文】W: Will you go home by bike, Sam? M: No. If I ride a bike, it will take me too much time on the road. So I'll take a bus. How about you. Alice? W: Well, my father will drive me home. 【分析】问题:爱丽丝怎么回家?根据"How about you. Alice?"爱丽丝,你呢?;以及"Well, my father will drive me home." 嗯,我爸爸会开车送我回家。 可推知,爱丽丝的爸爸开车送她回家,故选A。 【点评】考查短对话理解。注意抓住关键词汇,在听录音时,注意抓住关键词汇,特别是与题目和选项相关的词汇。这些词汇往往能帮助我们理解对话的核心内容,从而更容易找到正确答案。 3.(2024八下·义乌开学考) What will Jack do in the evening? A.Play basketball. B.Have a class. C.Go swimming. 【答案】B 【知识点】询问意向;正式用语;直接用语;日常活动 【解析】【听力原文】W: Hey,Jack. Do you want to play basketball or go swimming in the afternoon? M: Sorry.I have a tennis class in the evening. If I do those activities, I will be too tired to go to the class. 【分析】问题:杰克晚上会做什么?根据"Sorry.I have a tennis class in the evening." 抱歉。我晚上有网球课。 可推知,杰克晚上要上网球课,故选B。 【点评】考查短对话理解。注意理解言外之意,有时,对话中的言外之意比字面意思更重要。因此,在听录音时,要注意理解说话者的隐含意图和言外之意,以便更准确地回答问题。 4.(2024八下·义乌开学考) Where are the speakers planning to go during the holiday? A.To the park. B.To the farm. C.To the mountains. 【答案】A 【知识点】询问意向;询问地点;正式用语;直接用语;假期计划 【解析】【听力原文】W: The May Day holiday is coming!How about going to the farm, Mark? M: If I go there, I will get bored. So why don't we go camping in the mountains? W: I don't think my parents would agree. They think it's dangerous. Let's just have fun in the park. M: Fine. If we go to the park, I'll bring some food and drinks. 【分析】问题:两位发言人打算在假期去哪里?根据"Let's just have fun in the park."让我们在公园里好好玩玩吧。;以及"Fine. ... ...

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