
Unit1 The Changing World Topic 3 Section A听说优质课(课件+单元整体教学设计)仁爱科普九上

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:64次 大小:447022974Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 1 The Changing World Topic 3 The world has changed for the better. Section A 听说优质课 (仁爱科普版)九年级 上 Learning objectives 1 Lead in Pre-listening 3 While-listening Post-listening 5 Summary Assessment 7 Homework 2 4 6 8 1 Learning objectives 1. Some words: block, artist, visitor, industry, chemistry,term 2. Some phrases: as a matter of fact , millions of ,get/be used to, used to be 3. Some sentences: You have been in New York for a long time. The city has improved a lot since I came here a few years ago . 4.Grammar Use the Present Perfect Tense with for and since . 2 Lead-in Where is it Have you ever been to New York 3 Pre-listening It was a gift to the USA from the people of France in 1876. Millions of visitors have ever come for a visit. visitor [ v z t (r)] n.游客参观者 millions of 大量;数以百万计 There are many blocks in New York. There have been many famous theaters along the streets for many years. A lot of artists(画家) perform plays, concerts and operas. As a matter of fact (=in fact), It stands for the American theater industry. block [bl k] n.街道(区) artist ['ɑ t st] n.艺术家 as a matter of fact 事实上 industry [ nd stri] n.行业;工业 3 Pre-listening It's a large public park in New York city. About 25 million visitors come here every year. It has been a national historic landmark(历史遗迹)since 1963. 3 Game time block industry visitor millions of as a matter of fact artist 3 Pre-listening block artist visitor industry chemistry millions of Match the new words and phrases 3 Prediction What is this passage mainly talking about Can you guess 4 While-listening What is this passage mainly talking about Past and present changes in New York. Tips:When we get the main idea,we can grab some key words(抓关键词)and look at the pictures. 4 While-listening ( )1.Where is Bob now A.Canada B.New York C.Japan ( )2.What happened about New York in the past A.The traffic was heavy and almost everyone drove too fast. B.The streets were dirty. C.It used to be very polluted. ( )3.What can we get about New York now A.There are beautiful parks,good schools,famous museums and excellent restaurants. B.People still can’t go to plays. C.It’s not safe there. B C A Listen to 1a and choose the best one. 4 While-listening Work on 1b Listen to 1a and complete the table about New York. Environment It has improved a lot. The air is _____. The sky is _____. Transportation It is very _____. The streets are very _____. People are very _____. Living condition It is a _____ to live. _____ fresher bluer convenient clean friendly wonderful place good schools,… 5 Post-listening Watch and understand 5 Post-listening Listen and follow Tips:When we read,we should pay attention to pronunciation(语音)and intonation(语调) (Helen and Bob are talking on the phone.) Helen:You have been in New York for a long time.How do you like living there Bob:It's great.I really love it. Helen:What's the envi ... ...

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