
八年级上册英语Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?基础达标测试卷(含答案)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:10次 大小:427067Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 八年级上册英语Unit1基础达标测试卷 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。 1. —I’m h . Can I have some bread, Grandma — Sure. Here it is. 2. It looks like rain. Don’t forget to take a(n) u with you. 3. —How was Jill’s party, Dale —W ! We all had fun at her party. 4. It _____(好像) that your mother was unhappy yesterday. 5. Alice started to keep a(n) _____(日记) in English when she was five. 6. Did you go (在任何地方)interesting during the summer vacation 7. Mary is new in the city. She has (很少)friends here. 8. Jack spends (大多数) of the time practicing the piano. 9. You needn't talk to (任何人) if you don't want to. 10. Listen! There is (某人) singing in the next room. 11. After watching TV for a long time, I felt (烦闷的) and went out. 12. My watch doesn't work. There is (某事) wrong with it. 13. Look! The (母鸡) are looking after the chickens. 14.Playing tennis is more (有乐趣的) than watching matches on TV. 15.There is (足够的)water here. 二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 1. We went to Beijing last month and the food there (be) great. 2. I think Sanya is a (wonder)place to take a vacation. I like it very much. 3. My sister (not do)her homework yesterday. 4. Our new English teacher is strict but (friend). 5. Everything in the store there was expensive,so I didn't buy (something). 6. There are green (hill) and fresh air in the village. 7. Many people are (wait) for the bus at the bus stop now. 8. More and more (bird) are in danger because they do not have enough space to live. 9. It's good for our health to do some outdoor (activity). 10. There are many new (building)in our town and I like the library best. 11. After two hours' drive, the driver (decide) to stop and have a rest. 12. Ms. Zhang is such a good teacher. Her lessons are always (enjoy). 13. The cake is very delicious. Would you like (try)it 14. Many Chinese (trader)brought goods(货品) and built houses in Malaysia one hundred years ago. 15. Look! Some (duck)are swimming on the river. 16.She opened the door and (take) a photo. 17.Don’t be upset! I think you should keep (do) it. 18.The problem seems (be) difficult to work out. 19.There was nothing much (do) in the evening. 20.Lucy decides (tell) the story to her teacher. 21.It’s important (help) with the housework. 22.There are a lot of (different) between the two pictures. 23.My parents are busy all the time, so I often cook by (I) . 24.There are a lot of (build) around my house. 25. (luck), they couldn’t catch up with the last train. 三、单项选择。 ( )1.I had     umbrella when it rained. A.a B.an C./ D.two ( )2.Many of the visitors     Beijing two days ago. A.reached in B.get to C.arrived at D.arrived in ( )3.—We had a great time traveling in Yunnan _____ your help. Thank you very much. —You’re welcome. A.because B.because of C.so D.or ( )4.The coat is nice, but you need to _____ at first(首先). A.try it on B.decide it on C.try it out D.decide it out ( )5. ... ...

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