《高中英语(上外版)》选修第三册 Unit 1 Stress 课时:第 3 课时 课题:Grammar in Use 课型:语法课 设计者: 一、 教学设计与说明 1. 教学目标 本节课授课对象为高二第二学期的学生。经过之前课程的学习,同学们已经有了不定式 在句子中各项功能的总体概念。但是大部分同学们对不定式句法功能的总体框架结构是不清 晰的,不清楚不定式在句子可以做具体哪些名词性成分,以及在做名词性成分时难以区分不 定式和动名词的功能,对不定式的各项句法功能各自的特点、重点、难点没有概念。所以本 节课的核心目标是让学生理解不定式作主语和表语成分的用法,并能做到学以致用。 2. 设计思路 本课为本单元第三课时的语法教学课,旨在帮助学生理解不定式作主语和补语这一语法 功能,并为学生创设产出的机会,提高语用能力。导入部分利用课本 P8-9 练习 I ,通过阅读 课学习的内容进行发问,鼓励学生使用不定式的句子来回答。学生学会对不定式的语法成分 进行分类归纳,在头脑中形成不定式知识体系的网络架构。操练部分采用任务型教学方法, 在遵循学生认知规律的基础上设置多层次能力要求逐步递进的实践任务,引导学生在完成各 个层次的任务中逐步实现不定式作主语和表语这一语法功能的内化。 3. 重点难点 结合课文话题内容,让学生利用不定式的语法点,连句谋篇,做一个小演讲(mini-speech)。 Lesson Plan Learning Objectives: By the end of the period, the students are expected to: 1. have the ability of classifying and summarizing grammar rules of infinitives as subjects and predicatives. 2. form the network of infinitives and gerunds as nouns in mind so as to distinguish infinitives from gerunds. 3. skillfully apply infinitive forms as subjects and predicatives in reading and writing. Procedures: I. Lead-in activity: Answering how to keep stress away *T: Guide the students to answer the question what can we do to keep stress away (remind students to answer the question with the help of infinitives) *Ss: Recall the grammatical rules of infinitives used as objects by category. Purpose: To introduce the grammar in a familiar topic. Guided question: After learning the text Stress, what can we do to keep stress away (The sentence structure can be provided if students find it difficult to reply with infinitives) Suggested answers: infinitives used as subjects ① To have a balanced life is the best way. ② It is important to share our feelings with others. infinitives used as predicatives ③ What we can do is (to) have sufficient sleep. ④ When we sleep for at least 8 hours, our brains seem to have enough rest. II. Grammar learning (I): Finding the grammar rules Step II. Grammar Learning *T: Ask students what role do these underlined parts play in the sentences *Ss: Tell the role as subjects and predicatives. It is important to share our feelings with others. = To share our feelings with others is important. / Sharing our feelings with others is important. *T: Ask students what role do It plays in the sentence ②. *Ss: It is used as formal subject in the sentences, and infinitives serve as the real subject. Purpose: To equip students with corresponding grammatical knowledge. III. Grammar learning (II): Matching and sentence restructure ( takes time healthy ... ...
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