

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:36次 大小:5318366Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2022一2023学年度第一学期期末学情调研 A.One. B.Two.C.Three.D.Four. 七年级英语试题 12.一It's so cold in the room 注意事项: 一Oh,the window is4一Let me it. 1.本议春包合第】春选择题《第1一50小题)和第Ⅱ春非选年题(第51一75小题及书面表达 A.open;close B.opened;closedC.open;to closeD.opened;to elosed 题):考议时长为100分钟,春面总分为120分。考试形式为用春。 13.The total 2.本试春中所有议题必须作答在答题卡上规定的位里,看则不给分。 A.number of the flowers is 30.That's enough for all the students in class. B.cost 3.答题前,寿必将自己的姓名、准者证号用书写黑色字迹的05老来签字笔镇写在议喜及答 C.price D.size 题卡上, 14.-We will have a long winter boliday. 0.6. 第【卷(选择题,共0分) A.Good luck 一、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) 15.The note is about Daniel's B.Have a good time C.Thank you D.You're welcome 1.It is bad for us to have online lessons without having breakfast. A.a B.an C.the D. Father:a teacher 2.There some paper and a pencil on the table.I want to do some drawing Mother:a nurse A.is B.are C.has D.have Brother:a student 3.People usually have a big dinner the evening of December 31st. Sister:a3-year-old girl A.in B.on C.at D.of Daniel 4.Look!The young girl is dressing upan old woman A.class a black coat. B.friends t代ofC.teacbers oD.miy A.过 B.as;of C匹s D.in;of 二、完形填空(共15题,每小题1分,计15分) 5.-Dear,would you like 图读下面短文,拿摄其大老,档后从各题所处的四个选项中选出一个最仕答案, -No,thanks:I cat sweets.I think it's easy to make me fat. e do! Jack is a young man from a very poor family.He works in a small factory()and makes A.some;usually B.any:sometimes C.some;seldom D.any;always 16 money every month.He always feels sad.One day he talks to an old priest()He says,"It &.Eve町day Mr.Green has online work to do,so he has no time friends. is really not fair().Do you know John He is my 17 He is a18 student at scbool. A.too many;meet B.too much;meet He_19_does his homework after school But now he isa5 uccessful(成功的20_” C.too many;to meet D.too much:to meet The priest answers,"Now he is quite21.He always keeps on writing very late in the evening..." 7.Most students sleep for less than 8 bours every night,so they don't have 一o study. A.enengy enough B.enough energy C.enough lazy Jack22 the old priest's words."Justin is my classmate,too.His body is very weak at 8.How can Ithe three cats on my own I need your help,Mary. D.h四enough school.He is usually in23 because of his sick legs.He couldn't have24 lessons at all. But now he is a popular player." A.look up B.look at C.look around 9.The FIFA Wordd Cup 2022 is in Qatar.Lots of things are China. D.look after "Oh,I hear that he always spends all恤tine-25_md.” A.made in B.made of "Now."Jack stops him again,"Paul bas a big restaurant At school he has no money to eat C.made from 10.Do you think the red dress will be D.made up beef or chicken."This time the priest does't5_quickly.But Jack is impatient(不耐s须的), for the big dinner party 27 don't you say a word Is it 28 or unfair ... ...

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