梧州市2023一2024学年下学期作业设计质量测试 请听第二段对话,回答第14至16小题。 14.What did the boy do during the vacation 七年级英语(试题卷) A.He visited a zoo. B.He joined a club. C.He went to a farm. 15.Who did the boy go with (全卷满分120分,考试时间120分钟) A.His uncle. B.His brother. C.His friend. 注意事项: 16.What did the boy do there A.Planted trees. B.Fed animals. C.Cooked meals. 1.答题前,考生务必将姓名、座位号、准考证号填写在答题卷指定位置。 2.考生作答时,请在答题卷上作答(答题注意事项见答题卷),在本试题卷上作答无效。 请听第三段对话,回答第17至20小题。 3.先考听力,在听力开始前有两分钟听力试音时间。 17.What does Mike think of the mind map A.Helpful. B.Easy. C.Difficult. 一、听力(共30小题,每小题1分,共30分) 18.Who taught Mike to draw the mind map (一)听句子,选图片。 A.His math teacher. B.His father. C.His cousin 你将听到五个句子,请选出与所听句子内容相符的图片,有一幅图是多余的。每个 19.What will Mike do 句子读两遍。 A.Get some paper. B.Show some pictures. C.Ask for help. 20.What's the probable relationship between the two speakers A.Mum and son. B.Brother and sister. C.Classmates. (四)听短文,选择最佳答案。 C 你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容,选出每个问题的最佳答案。短文读两遍。 21.What's the speaker's city like (二)听短对话,选择最佳答案。 A.Big and clean. B.Small and quiet. C.Big and modern. 22.What do some of the mountains there look like 你将听到五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,请根据对话内容,选出最佳答案。每 A.Camels. B.Elephants. C.Monkeys 段对话读两遍。 23.Where is the river 6.What size is the football field A.7,000 square metres B.7,010 square metres. C.7,100 square metres A.In the east of the city.B.In the south of the city. C.In the north of the city 7.What does Simon want to be 24.What is the best time to visit the city A.An artist. B.A doctor. C.A driver. A.September. B.October. C.November. 8.Who did David save from the big fire 25.What can people enjoy during the festival A.A man. B.A lady. C.Aboy. A.Talk shows. B.Fashion shows. C.Opera shows. 9.How often does Neil go to the Story-telling Club (五)听短文,填信息。 A.Once a week. B.Twice a week. C.Three times a week. 你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容,将所缺信息填入答题卡对应的横线上,每空 10.Where are the two speakers 一词。短文读三遍。 A.In a restaurant. B.In a theatre. C.In a museum. (三)听长对话,选择最佳答案。 The School Library 你将听到三段对话,请根据对话内容,选出每个问题的最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。 Opening time Between 9:00 a.m.and 5:00 p.m.from Monday to Thursday. 请听第一段对话,回答第11至13小题。 In the 26 on Friday. 11.What does the man want Leave your bags 27 the reading room A.A tie. B.A hat. C.A T-shirt. Rules Don't be 28 in the reading room 12.What colour does the man like best Borrow up to 29 books at a time. A.Blue. B.Yellow. C.Red. 13.How much will the man spend Keep the books clean and safe. A.30 yuan. B.50 yuan C.80 yuan 30 for the books if you lose them. 七年级英语试题卷第1页(共8页) 七年级英语试题卷第2页(共8页) ... ...
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