ID: 21208175

Unit 1 Let's Be Friends! 第三课时Thinking Skills and Reading Strategies课件 仁爱科普版(2024)七年级上册

日期:2024-12-22 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:44次 大小:46456476B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 Let’s Be Friends! Thinking Skills and Reading Strategies (Period 3) Learning Objectives 1 2 3 通过本课的学习,学生能够: 运用思维导图,提取文中人物描写的关键信息,形成结构化知识; 利用“图片预测”这一阅读策略,预测文本的主旨大意; 绘制个人信息的思维导图,根据思维导图多角度地介绍自己和他人;了解朋友的信息,意识到朋友的多样性并领会朋友的意义。 Zhou Han Zhang Jie Miss Wu What’s your new friend like Name: Wu Meizhen Likes: Reading short & quiet Name: Zhou Han Likes: Cooking thin & helpful Name: Zhang Jie Likes: Running strong & friendly I like reading. I am short. I’m quiet. She likes cooking. She is thin. She’s helpful. She likes running. She is strong. She’s friendly. ['kwa t] 安静的 ['helpfl] 乐于助人的 help(帮助)+ful friend(朋友)+ly ['frendli] 友好的 Looks外貌 short,quiet,like reading,thin, helpful, like cooking, strong, friendly, like running 词以类聚 I am She is friendly helpful quiet strong thin short like reading like cooking like running Likes 爱好 Character 性格 (r)] t ] helpful & friendly We help each other. (r)] [t 'ɡe 一起 [i [' 互相 We often play together. each other together strong friendly likes running a thinking map Activity 1 My name is Kangkang. I’m 12 years old. I’m tall. I’m friendly and I like science. Read the text and study the thinking map. Name Age Looks Character Likes Suppose(假设) you’re Kangkang, introduce yourself(自我介绍) . likes science How to describe (描述) a person Activity 2 Read the text and complete the thinking map. I am Li Mei. I’m from China. I am thirteen years old. I’m in Class Three, Grade Seven. I am kind. I like drawing. Li Mei China 13/ thirteen Class 3, Grade 7 kind likes drawing Name Age Character Likes Nationality 国籍 Class Activity 2 Read the text and complete the thinking map. Li Mei China 13/ thirteen Class 3, Grade 7 kind likes drawing Suppose you’re Li Mei, introduce yourself (自我介绍) . Introduce Li Mei to your partner with the help of the thinking map (基于思维导图向同伴介绍Li Mei) . Have a try (牛刀小试) Checklist 1. Do I speak loudly(洪亮) 2. Do I speak fluently(流利) 3. Do I speak confidently(自信) Activity 3 Pair work. Draw a thinking map about yourself. Make a self-introduction to your partner. Name Age Looks Likes Nationality 国籍 Character 外貌 爱好 性格 …… 自评 互评 Speak loudly (洪亮)、fluently(流利) and confidently(自信) Not bad: Good: Activity 1 Predicting(预测) from pictures How do you know We all need friends. Friends can be old. Friends can be young. Friends can be tall. Friends can be short. Friends play together and help each other. Activity 2 Think: What does the writer think of friends 作者对“朋友”的看法? We all need friends. /ni d/ 需要 need Topic Sentence Read the text and check your prediction. 主题句通常在段首/段尾。 Activity 2 Task 1: 找出两组反义词。 old young tall short Friends can be old. Friends can be young. Friends can be tall. Friends can be short. What does “can” ... ...

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