
专题-S303 【题型易-高考英语 (完形填空) 梯度训练】2025年高考-各大考区题型专练 (全国通用)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:64次 大小:230351Byte 来源:二一课件通
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( 高考 完形填空 专练 ) ( 2 ) 专题-S303各大考区 完形填空 高考备考 梯度训练 能力提升之完形填空15篇 初阶训练(新高考 Ⅱ 卷考区) Passage 1-5 进阶训练(新高考 Ⅰ 卷考区/自主命题考区) Passage 6-10 高阶提升(全国甲卷考区) Passage 11-15 第一部分:初阶训练 Passage 1 (2024届辽宁省丹东市高三下学期总复习质量测试英语试卷)Gutiérrez’s life would never be the same again. He found a (n) 21 book in the trash while driving his garbage truck through wealthier neighborhoods, which stimulated his 22 to rescue books from the trash. Afterwards, he 23 his book collection into a community library for children from 24 families. Because libraries tend to be distant from poorer communities, the 25 of buying new books is nonexistent for families 26 to make ends meet. However, Gutiérrez’s community library becomes a true representation of how one man’s trash can be another’s treasure. Today, his community library 27 most of his home. Everything from school textbooks to storybooks can be 28 in a collection of over 20,000 books! The library is open every weekend, when children are allowed to come in to 29 the book collection. Apart from school-going children 30 the benefits of the library, adults are also welcome to 31 their horizons to build a better life for themselves. Despite his great contributions to community, Gutiérrez is not yet 32 with this result. He continues to search through 33 for reading material and has even travelled to book fairs in Mexico to share his experiences in building a library from unwanted books. Gutiérrez’s journey to give back to his local community is an amazing example of how every one of us can 34 improve the lives of those around us by 35 needs, investing time and finding a simple solution. 21.A.abandoned B.purchased C.adopted D.borrowed 22.A.curiosity B.investment C.desire D.creativity 23.A.put B.turned C.introduced D.shaped 24.A.fine-manner B.single-parent C.low-income D.high-stress 25.A.duty B.tradition C.value D.option 26.A.asking B.struggling C.managing D.preparing 27.A.occupies B.influences C.enlarges D.represents 28.A.found B.displayed C.bought D.admired 29.A.pick up B.sort out C.search for D.look through 30.A.wanting B.discovering C.harvesting D.understanding 31.A.expect B.explore C.expose D.expand 32.A.familiar B.content C.consistent D.angry 33.A.stores B.garbage C.families D.baggage 34.A.simply B.frequently C.effectively D.rarely 35.A.identifying B.satisfying C.improving D.supporting Passage 2 (2024届东北三省四市联考暨沈阳市高三下学期质量监测)This was the big game. The boys were ____21____ and excited. It was a clear night, and my son Andy’s baseball team, which had ____22____ all year, had shocked the better teams by making it to this championship game. The atmosphere was ____23____: the other team’s slugger (强击手),a big kid, was like a snake, dangerous and ready to ____24____. Nervously, I looked out Andy’s way. I was ____25____ to see An ... ...

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