
人教版八年级下册Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?课本梳理课件 (共29张PPT,无答案)

日期:2024-09-25 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:100次 大小:13616729Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Room, clean room Clean room? Unit 3 Could you please clean your room Revision take out the rubbish make the bed fold the clothes sweep the floor do the dishes clean the living room take the dog for a walk ... Who home Questions Actions Answers Yes./Sure./OK./No problem. /Sorry,I can’t. I have to../I must... do the dishes sweep the floor clean the living room ... take out the rubbish make the bed fold the clothes polite requests Could you please... Questions Actions Answers A:Could you please... B:Yes./Sure./OK./No problem. I... Could you please... A: Sorry,I can’t. I have to../I must... Pair work make the bed sweep the floor clean the living room take the dog for a walk ... take out the rubbish fold the clothes do the dishes Questions Actions Answers Could you please... request Could I... permission Questions Actions Answers go out for dinner ... Could you please... Yes./Sure./OK./No problem. /Sorry,I can’t. I have to../I must... Could I... /No,you can’t. /Sorry. Yes,you can./Sure./OK. take out the rubbish make the bed fold the clothes ... Listen. Peter asks his father if he can do four things. What does his father say Check (√) yes or no. Peter wants to… Peter’s father says… go out for dinner. Yes No go to the movies. Yes No stay out late. Yes No get a ride. Yes No √ √ √ √ Listen again. Why does Peter’s father say “no” Draw lines to the reasons. Peter wants to… Peter’s father says… His father’s reasons go out for dinner. Yes No I have to do some work. go to the movies. Yes No You have to clean your room. stay out late. Yes No I need to eat breakfast. get a ride. Yes No You have a basketball game. √ √ √ √ Pair work You are going to have a party at home. You are asking your parents for permission(许可) about the party and your parents also make some requests(要求) for you. Make up a conversation. Kid: Mom, I am going to have a party at home. Mom: Sounds good. Kid:Could I ... Mom: ... Kid:Could I ... Mom: ... ... Mom: Well, Peter. After the party, could you please ... Kid: ... Mom: And could you please ... Kid:... Mom: That’s good. Have fun. 1.invite my friends home 2.buy some drinks and snacks 3.use your compuer 4.stay up late ... 1.sweep the floor 2.clean the living room 3.not make too much noise Be a polite and good child! Love and respect your parents! What do you fight about ...... telephone homework money housework 1.What's the text type of the passage? A. a letter B. a play C. a short story 2.The main characters were ___. A. Nancy and her mother B. Nancy and her dog C. Nancy and housework A Reading tip: Here you should move your eyes down quickly to catch more key words to get the general idea. 3.What did they do at the beginning How do they feel Names Actions Feelings (Information behind the words) Nancy The dog Mom came home from school threw down the bag went to the living room sat down in front of the TV tired welcomed Nancy and wanted a walk happy ... ...

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