
Module 5 Museums Unit 1 内嵌听力录音课件(外研九上英语Unit 1 Don't cross that rope!)

日期:2024-09-22 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:66次 大小:10114584Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 外研英语九上Module5Unit1 Louvre Museum, Paris 法国·巴黎卢浮宫博物馆 National Museum of China 中国国家博物馆 Module 5 Museums Unit 1 Don’t cross that rope. No entry To understand the conversation about visiting a museum. 2.To know the signs of the rules and learn to use imperative sentences (祈使句)to talk about the rules. 3.To follow the rules in public places. Goals:学习目标 (做到心中有数) upstairs exhibition rule against the rules in trouble tail rope 位于楼上的, 在楼上 展览;展览会 规则;法则 违反规定 遇上麻烦; 处于困境 尾巴 粗绳;绳索 Words and expressions 进入权;进入许可 禁止入内 不合适的; 不方便的 难怪;不足为奇 找不到的;失踪的 位于楼下的; 在楼下 惩罚;惩处 entry No entry no good no wonder missing downstairs punish Here are a lot of signs of the rules. Do you know their meanings As middle school students, what should we do to protect the museum When we are in the museum,we should follow the rules . No shouting. No entry. Don’t shout. 2.Don’t + I can talk about the rules: 1.No+ 3. No + doing V. n. 1.No shouting. 2.Don’t shout. 3.No entry. No smoking. Don’t smoke. No littering. Don’t litter. No food and drinks. No photos. 1 P34 Match the signs with the rules. c d b a 1 Don’t touch. 2 No smoking. 3 No shouting. 4 No photos. Where can we find these signs 2 Listen carefully and answer the questions. 1 .Where did Lingling find the guide 2 .How many people are going to the museum on Saturday She got it from the Internet. Three. Betty, Lingling and Daming are on the second floor of a museum now. Listen to the conversation. Finish the tasks. 3. Listen and answer 1. Where are the Animal Room A. upstairs B. downstairs C. we don’t know 2. What does Daming want Betty and Lingling to see A. monkey exhibition B. a picture C. a book 3. Can they take photos there A. Yes B. No C. we don’t know 4. What’s the matter with Lingling A. she broke her leg B. She lost her mobile phone C. She can find her bag (Activity3) check (√) the rules mentioned in the conversation. √ √ √ No shouting. No (taking) photos No entry. ★ ★ read in roles 分角色朗读 There certainly are a lot of rules in this museum. No wonder the place is empty. Nothing can be accomplished without standards. 没有规矩不成方圆。 Talk Discuss the rules in our classroom. 1.No+doing 2.Don’t +do 3.You mustn’t… Summary 1.Understand the words like: exhibition, upstairs, missing, downstairs, punish, tail, rope 2. Understand the Expressions: be in trouble/be against the rules no good /no wonder… 3.Grammar: No shouting./Don’t touch./No entry. I can I can upstairs exhibition rules rope tail missing downstairs punish 1. No shouting./Keep quiet. 2. No snacks . 3. No litter. 4. Don’t sleep in class. 5. No mobile phones. Rules of our classroom 6. No smoking. 7. Don’t be late for class. 8. No copying homework. 9. No fighting. 10.No writing on the desk. …… Language Points: 1. be in trouble = get into trouble 2. be against the ... ...

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