ID: 21224525

【素养测评】Unit 10 Wind 牛津深圳版五年级上册 提升培优评价卷(含答案)

日期:2024-10-23 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:23次 大小:1034483B 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 【素养测评】Unit 10 Wind 五年级英语上册 提升培优评价卷(含答案)牛津上海版(深圳用) 一、补全对话/短文 (Alice is looking out of the window. ) Mom: How is the weather, Alice Alice: 1 The wind is blowing gently. Mom: I see. We can have an outing today. (After breakfast) Alice: Mom, wait a minute. 2 Mom: Oh, yes, it’s raining heavily. 3 (A few minutes later) Mom: What are you doing, Alice Alice: 4 Mom: How can you use the rainwater Alice: 5 Mom: That’s a good idea! A.I can use it to water my plants. B.I’m collecting rainwater. C.Is it raining D.It’s cloudy. E.We can’t go out now. 二、匹配题 A.A fireman comes. He uses a ladder to climb the tree. Now he gets the kite. B.It’s a cloudy day. The wind is blowing. Tom is flying a kite in the park. C.The fireman walks up to Tom and gives the kite to him. Tom is happy now. D.Oh, no! Tom’s kite falls onto a tall tree. Tom can’t get it. He is sad. 6. ( ) 7. ( ) 8. ( ) 9. ( ) 三、阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每小题的三个选项中选出最佳选项。 There are many amazing sounds in our world. There are man-made(人造的) sounds. like the sound of a bus. And there are natural sounds, like the sounds of the rain and animals. There are quiet sounds, like the sound of a whisper(耳语). And there are loud sounds, like the sound of a plane. Some sounds are relaxing, like the sound of beautiful music. But some sounds are bad for your cars. When you listen to music, if the volume(音量) of the sound is too loud, it can damage your ears. Traffic noises, or someone yelling into your car can hurt your ears badly. So, please be careful. 10.The passage is about different _____. ( ) B.sounds C.wind 11.The sound of a whisper is very _____. ( ) A.noisy B.loud C.quiet 12.What does “damage” mean in Chinese ( ) A.损伤 B.保护 C.遮盖 13.The sound of the wind is a kind of _____. ( ) A.animal sound B.natural sound sound 14.Which one is NOT TRUE ( ) A.There are different sounds in the world. B.Beautiful music can make you relaxing. C.Someone yelling into your car cannot hurt your ears. Wind is all around us. You can feel it but you cannot see it or grab hold of(抓住) it. Wind is very useful. Winds help cool the hot land (土地). Winds help warm the cold land. Winds pick up water from oceans (海洋) and later drop this moisture (水分). That is the rain. Winds carry the seeds of plants from one place (地方) to another winds help us a lot. Of course (当然), not all winds are good winds. Some hot winds stop rain from falling in deserts (沙漠). Very cold winds can kill (杀死) living things. Very big winds can blow down large trees and damage (摧毁) small houses. Even so (虽然如此), we would find it hard to live without (没有) winds. 15.You can feel the wind and catch the wind. ( ) 16.Winds help cool and warm the land. ( ) 17.Winds can carry the seeds of plants from one place to another. ( ) 18.All of the winds are good for us. ( ) 19.Cold winds can blow down big t ... ...

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