ID: 21225868

北师大版(2019)必修第三册Unit 8 Green Living Lesson 1 Roots and Shoots 上课 说课 课件(共36张PPT,内嵌视频)

日期:2025-02-27 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:86次 大小:41862752B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Green Living单元大观念:生命与绿色相拥,人类与生态共存 单元小观念1:个人的绿色理念与行为 Topic talk 描述并正确看待环境问题,思考绿色生活方式。 Lesson1:Roots and Shoots.摒弃错误的环境理念,树立节能环保意识,学习了解环保组织的相关知识,重视发挥个体力量参与环境保护。 Lesson2:Greening the Desert.介绍易解放创立环保组织的过程,认识到普通人也能为保护环境发挥作用。为更美好的世界贡献自己的力量。 Writing : a survey report. 阅读并理解调查报告的问题特征,撰写一篇关于垃圾分类的调查报告。 单元小观念2:国家的绿色理念与行动 Lesson 3 :White bikes on the road.描述共享单车的发展历程,并能提出使其良性发展的建议。 Reading club 1:Recycling了解废品回收再利用的可行方式,讨论并设想其他关于垃圾处理的可行举措 单元小观念3:全球的绿色理念与行动 Viewing workshop: Solar energy 梳理关于太阳能的相关知识,探讨太阳能的利与弊。探究清洁能源对于绿色生活的意识。 Reading club 2: A local and global issue.总结归纳全球三大污染问题的成因,影响和解决方法,了解并运用四个R提出可行的环保举措。 引导学生学会理性客观的看待人类命运,发展与自然环境的关系,树立全球视野,可持续发展观念。涵养家国情怀。 Unit 8 Green Living Lesson 1 Roots And Shoots What can you see from this video leave the water running turn on the AC casually drop litter without picking it up Activate and Share Just-me-ism Read and Explore Read para.1 and get the information about just-me-ism. Term Just-me-ism Examples Leaving the tap _____ while you brush your teeth. Leaving a light _____ when you go out. Dropping litter and not being bothered to _____. Results _____&_____ running on pick it up waste pollution Read and Explore Read para.2 and get the messages about the organization. Name who when purpose Roots and Shoots Jane Goodall in the early 1990s educate young people to bulid a secure future and live with nature in peace reach the light make a firm foundation Read and Explore Read para.3 and get the meaning of Roots and Shoots. shoots roots move slowly under the ground to _____ break open brick walls to_____ YOU Read and Explore Read para.4 and get the principle of Roots and Shoots. Roots and Shoots is all about: Jane Goodall believes that the most important thing is that: Read and Think Say you leave the tap running while you brush your teeth, leave a light on when you go out, or you drop a piece of litter and can't be bothered to pick it up. (para.1) Millons of gallons of water would be wasted ; millions of lights would be left on; millions of piece of litter would be dropped. (para.1) Do you think you help to make the world a better place when you make a sad person smile, when you make a dog wag its tail, and when you water a thirsty plant (para.4) Every individual matters, every individual has a role to play, every individual makes a difference. (para.4) What’s the feature of these sentences What’s the function parallel structure stress (a strong tone) leave readers a deep impression Read and summarize What can we do to make our world a better place for pe ... ...

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