ID: 21225876

北师大版(2019)必修第二册Unit 6 The admirable Lesson1 A Medical Pioneer 上课 说课课件(共40张PPT,内嵌视频)

日期:2025-03-09 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:51次 大小:26020252B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 6 The Admirable Topic talk 不同维度描述自己钦佩的人,激活对单元主题的已知 单元主题大观念: 谈论最钦佩的人,学习伟人品质 阅读人物事迹,学习人物品质 理解admirable 的含义,培养正确价值观 推动社会发展的伟人 实现自我价值的伟人 伟大与成败无关 伟大与年龄无关 Lesson1 A Medical Pioneer 介绍了屠呦呦个人经历及带领团队发现青蒿素并荣获诺贝尔奖的新闻报道。 Lesson 2 介绍了历史缔造者马丁路德金和甘地的故事。 Writing Workshop: A Summary 总结屠呦呦的基本信息。 Viewing workshop: I have a dream,介绍马丁路德金演讲。 Lesson 3 The Superhero Behind Superman 介绍了超人扮演者Christopher Reeve的生活变化,学习他不向生活屈服的精神。 Reading Club 1 Space Heroes 介绍了中美宇航员不论成败,都值得钦佩。 Reading Club 2 Anne Frank and Her diary 年幼的安妮遭受迫害,但是乐观坚强。 形成核心素养:培养科学探索精神、无私奉献精神并且学会辩证对待生活苦难,树立积极,乐观,向上的价值观。 Lesson 1 A Medical Pioneer Unit 6 The Admirable Reading and Thinking Warm up What can you see from the video 1. The boy was bitten by a _____. 2. The boy got _____ . 3. The boy got medicines called _____. mosquito malaria ACT (containing artemisinin) n. 青蒿素 What do you know about Tu Youyou? Warm up find a cure for malaria n.疟疾 n. 青蒿素 a Nobel Prize winner discover artemisinin a medical researcher a female scientist a pioneer A pioneer is a person who_____ is the first one to explore an area, develop a new idea,introduce a concept or technology. Lead:introduction P2-P4:body Comments from others&Quote from Tu Youyou Headline Tu Youyou won the Nobel Prize. Tu Youyou's personal information, work and achievement. to the point 一针见血的 Read for structure What do you know about news headline lead(5W) body tail tail Para 1 The Nobel Prize Award Ceremony Who What When Where Why Tu Youyou Won the Nobel Prize 7 December, 2015 At the Nobel Prize Ceremony Discovered artemisinin 5W Stockholm Concert Hall in Sweden Read for details 1930 1955 education After graduation later 1969 born in Zhejiang Province on 30th December studied medicine at Peking University became a member of CACMS studied Chinese medicine for 2.5 years with experts in the field was chosen to establish a team to find a cure for malaria Para. 2 Personal information Read for details Task: find a cure for malaria established a team Tested more than 240,000 chemicals with no success had an idea: Chinese herbs studied ancient medical literature visited experts researched traditional recipes used modern research methods to study these Chinese herbs came across a promising chemical tested it on animals tested it on human subjects Tu Youyou volunteered to be the first human subject her team followed her discovered the world’s most effective drug for fighting malaria—artemisinin tested more than 240,000 chemicals with no success Read for details Para.3-4 The process of her research artemisinin Difficulties 1._____ 2._____ 3._____ Discovery limited resources not enough staff poor air ... ...

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