
Unit4 Fun with numbers.课件(14张PPT+19张PPT+23张PPT+12张PPT+10张PPT+24张PPT)

日期:2024-09-27 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:61次 大小:22414971Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 《英语》 ( 新标准) 小学修订版 Unit 4 Fun with numbers Get ready He is a little boy. He has a magic paintbrush. He can draw many things. He can make things real and vivid with the paintbrush. Who is he Riddle Ma Liang Look and guess. Listen and check. bird Listen and answer. Who is singing What is he drawing How many birds can you hear Listen again and answer. Who is singing What is he drawing How many birds can you hear Ma Liang. Birds. Twelve. Look and repeat. Look and circle. Work in groups and draw. Show and chant. Count, count, count with me! How many can you see One, two, three! Four, five, six! Seven, eight, nine! Ten, eleven, twelve! Homework 1. 演唱歌曲三遍。 2. 改编歌曲,选择身边常见的事物替换进歌曲中并进行演唱。 E.g. Count, count, count with me! How many books / erasers / pencils / pens / pencil cases can you see One, two, three! Four, five, six! Seven, eight, nine! Ten, eleven, twelve!(课件网) 《英语》 ( 新标准) 小学修订版 Unit 4 Fun with numbers Start up Look and review. Discuss and say. What do you know about it Listen and say. Look and answer. What is it Chinese knot. Listen and answer. How many ropes does Sam guess How many ropes does Amy guess Are they right How many ropes do we need to make a Chinese knot Listen and answer. How many ropes Only one! What do Sam and Amy think of it Amazing! Who can make a Chinese knot Daming. Read in roles. Read again and tick. Count and say. Count faster. Work in pairs. Ask and answer. Homework 1. 朗读课文三遍。 2. 了解中国结的制作方法,尝试自己编织一个中国结。 3. 运用所学语言采访班上的五位同学,询问对方文具的数量,完成采访单。 Homework A: How many _____ do you have B: One. / Two. / Three. / ... / Twelve.(课件网) 《英语》 ( 新标准) 小学修订版 Unit 4 Fun with numbers Speed up Look and say. Listen and guess. What animal is it chicken Look, listen and answer. What can you see from the picture How many eggs can you see What is the chicken doing What can you see from the picture How many eggs can you see Look, listen and answer. Look and guess. Listen and guess. Look and answer. Why does the chicken go away Look and answer. What happens after she goes away A. An egg is stolen. B. An egg becomes a baby and runs away. Look and answer. How many eggs are there now Look and answer. How is she What will she do Let’s listen. Think and answer. How many eggs are there when she goes back How many babies are there Is the chicken happy again Listen and repeat. Look and answer. How many eggs Look and answer. How is the chicken Look and answer. What happens to the egg Look and answer. How many eggs Look and answer. How is the chicken Look and answer. How is the chicken now and why Look and answer. How many babies now Look and write. Work in groups. Act out the story. Homework 1. 朗读课文三遍。 2. 扮演母鸡妈妈的角色,将母鸡妈妈的故事情 ... ...

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