
Unit11Sad movies make me cry单元基础知识(无答案)人教版英语九年级全册

日期:2024-09-27 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:17次 大小:32299Byte 来源:二一课件通
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英语人教版九年级Unit11单元基础知识 姓名_____ 单项选择(25题) ( )1.-In some African countries,children are made_____heavy work because their parents have died. A.doing B. done C.do D.to do ( )2.They made_____ their chairman. A.he B.him C.himself D.his ( )3.-Tell us something about Canada,OK -I’m sorry. _____ Jack_____I have ever been there. A.Either;or B.Not only;but also C.Both;and D.Neither;nor ( )4.The librarian told her that she might return the book to the library in three_____ . A.days’ B.day’s time C.days’ time D.days time ( )5. -I didn't enjoy myself at the party. I just felt _____ . - Well, maybe there were too many people at the party. A.left out B.to leave out C. leaving out D. be left out ( )6._____he needs is only a shirt_____. A. What;wear B. What;to wear C. which;wear D. that; to wear ( )7. Jane is a shy girl, she doesn't have the_____ to speak to strangers. A. chance B.thought C.courage D.decision ( )8. It showed us that what these children need is a happy family_____ money and food. A.instead B. but also C.not only D.rather than ( )9.-Did you and your parents join the trip -Yes, _____ us, the Greens also went to the amusement park. A.Except B.Except for C. Beside D. Besides ( )10. We didn't start our discussion _____everyone arrived. A.since B.unless C.while D.until ( )11. - When you go out,don't forget to take an umbrella_____ you. - OK, Mom. A.with B.at C.on D.to ( )12.To_____everyone get good grades, rules_____. A.let;needn't be changed B.make;mustn't be changed C.have; can't be changed D.ask; may not change ( )13. Look!Some people are running the red lights. We should wait_____ others are breaking the ruler. A.if B.unless C.although D.because ( )14.-My uncle is against wasting anything. -No wonder he would rather_____the old bike than_____ a new one. A.repair;to buy B.to repair;buy C. repair;buy D.to repair;to buy ( )15. In the exam, the _____you do, the_____ mistakes you'll make. A.careful;little B.more careful;fewer C.more carefully;fewer D.more carefully;less ( )16.-What's wrong with my little sister, Dr`Lee - Well, I have to_____ her first. A.examine B.kick C.pull D.admire ( )17.-Reading is a good way to spend the time on the plane. -That`s true. I never go traveling_____ a book. A.with B.from C.without D.about ( )18.A doctor was_____to examine the king.The doctor looked him over and said that there was nothing wrong with him. A.called in B.called on C.called up D.called back ( )19.-Jack, how can you prove(证明) the earth is round? - I can't, Sir. _____,I never said it was. A.Except B. Unless C.Besides D. Including ( )20._____ running after success,we have a lot of other interesting things to do in our lives. A.By B.For C. Besides D.Including ( )21. -Would you like to go shopping with me today or tomorrow -_____ .I have nothing to do. A.Neither B.Either C.Both D.None ( )22.Colors do have the_____ to change our feelings and moods. A.wealth B. power C.relief D.fault ( )23.-How serious the new disease is! -We Chinese s ... ...

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