
2025届高中英语二轮复习专项练习:第一部分(语法练 话题练) 第2练 名词+学校生活(含解析)

日期:2024-09-23 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:75次 大小:81623Byte 来源:二一课件通
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第2练 名词+学校生活 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.She has turned down several (invitation) to star in shows in order to concentrate on her studies. 2.Do you know that China and Western countries have different cultural (belief) about dogs 3.How can students manage (anxious) and stress during exam time and still get the grades they need 4.We have to admit that each of us has many strengths and (weakness). 5.They are good runners and can run for several hours in cold weather conditions,so they can sometimes escape from (wolf),their main predators(捕食者),easily. 6.You are supposed to make an (apologize) to the old man for your (rude). 7.The (girl) shoes were covered with mud,so I asked them to take them off before they got into (Jack) car. 8.He moved on,aimlessly,and in a little while the houses thinned,and the (passer-by) were infrequent. 9.My parents experienced the (convenient) of a Eurail Pass as they traveled through eight countries in three weeks. 10.Sometimes there’s so much work for you to deal with and you feel it’s beyond your ability to fulfil it.Actually,you can take (measure) to help yourself. Ⅱ.短文语法填空 A new study by Harvard University adds 1. (weigh) to the idea that being selfless can help us live longer.Selfless 2. (act) such as volunteering help us live longer,according to the new research.A study of 13,000 adults in the US found that people over the age of 50,who volunteer for two hours a week have 3. (little) chance of developing disease compared to those who don’t. “Our results show that volunteering among older adults doesn’t just strengthen communities,but enriches our own lives by strengthening our 4. (bond) to others,helping us feel a sense of purpose,and protecting us from feelings of loneliness,depression and 5._____(hopeless),” said the co-author of the study,Dr Eric Kim of Harvard.Loneliness could be as damaging to a person’s 6. (healthy) as smoking 15 cigarettes per day.“If you are able to do so,you not only can help to heal and repair 7. world,but you can help yourself as well,” he said. The Harvard study will increase the 8. (motivate) to develop public health interventions(干预) based on volunteering,which is what the UK-based charity Volunteering Matters campaigns for.“Some 9. (city) were pioneering this idea several years ago,and I hope we have the 10. (willing) to do so as well,” said Dr Kim. Ⅲ.阅读理解 A Data show that almost all children see a decline in their happiness when they make the step up to Key Stage Three,with self-reported happiness taking a significant hit.Information from more than 11,000 people showed the impact was universal and that children from all backgrounds,ethnicities and locations feel worse aged 14 than they do aged 11,with the change in school thought to be the driving reason. Scientists asked children to rank on a scale of one to seven how satisfied they were with their schoolwork,appearance,school,family,friends and life as a whole.One ... ...

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