
2025届高中英语二轮复习专项练习:第二部分高考题型专练 第22练 完形填空+语法填空(含解析)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:100次 大小:24994Byte 来源:二一课件通
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第22练 完形填空+语法填空 Ⅰ.完形填空 In the past 15 years,Yang Yunda has single-handedly raised nearly 1 million yuan to help poor students to pursue higher education, 1 our way to either college or vocational institutions. In 2007,Yang Yunda 2 a teaching job at Hongyan Middle School in Longshan county.He inspired us to struggle for dreams.Gradually,under his 3 I began to have a 4 interest in learning and made great progress 5 . My parents suffered from disabilities.Still worse,my family had been neck-deep in debt for years.Thinking twice,I 6 decided to write a letter to Mr Yang,saying that I had to quit school. Mr Yang knew how 7 I was to continue school.So,Mr Yang decided to pay my family a visit,hoping to 8 them into sending me back to school.Hardly had Mr Yang stepped into my one-room house 9 he was shocked into silence.Then,he comforted me saying,“All you needed to do was 10 studying while I would take care of the rest.” He was so deeply disturbed that he 11 his visit,along with pictures,on social media to which quantities of netizens 12 in no time.His former classmates and friends came forward to help send me back to school.With funds pouring in from 13 and strangers,I finished middle school and went on to study in high school. I will never forget what Mr Yang did for me more than a decade ago.He was my 14 angel.I admire his 15 devotion to poor students who live in the mountains. 1.A.giving B.feeling C.heading D.making 2.A.employed B.landed C.founded D.sought 3.A.guidance B.help C.assistance D.combination 4.A.sensitive B.identical C.passionate D.temporary 5.A.merely B.academically C.mindfully D.optionally 6.A.at large B.at random C.at last D.at most 7.A.desperate B.admirable C.attractive D.ambitious 8.A.suggest B.talk C.inform D.convince 9.A.while B.than C.as D.when 10.A.adapt yourself to B.rid yourself of C.addict yourself to D.dedicate yourself to 11.A.posted B.clicked C.updated D.downloaded 12.A.reflected B.reviewed C.responded D.contributed 13.A.teachers B.students C.acquaintances D.parents 14.A.advocate B.guardian C.consultant D.conductor 15.A.selfish B.valueless C.worthless D.selfless Ⅱ.语法填空 The history of hutongs can date back to the Yuan Dynasty (1271—1368),when the term “hutong”,1. (initial) meaning “water wells”,first appeared in its capital,now known as Beijing.The Yuan nobles and high-ranking army officials 2. (award) lands as their estates in the city.They built houses and courtyards,now called “Siheyuan”,which were arranged in 3. orderly way around the wells. In the Ming Dynasty (1368—1644),the center of Beijing was the Imperial Palace,with the Inner City and Outer City 4. (surround) it.Upper class citizens were permitted to live closer 5. the center.Nobles lived to the east and west of the palace.The hutongs formed by their houses were lined by spacious homes and gardens.Farther from the palace and to its north and south 6. (be) ... ...

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