
2025届高中英语二轮复习专项练习:第二部分高考题型专练 第36练 阅读理解+七选五(含解析)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:18次 大小:42704Byte 来源:二一课件通
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第36练 阅读理解+七选五 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Retired couple May Proctor,71,and her husband Rod,73,have transformed their garden into a fairyland(仙境) themed light show for local kids to enjoy.May and Rod came up with the concept last year but this time is to be the biggest display yet.The mystical(神秘的) garden is open for children to walk through and upon entry they will find a “fairy world” filled with pizza shops,very small shops and a magical forest.This year the home itself has been transformed according to Alice in Wonderland. May says she is a fairy fan and that the huge amount of decoration is worth it for the magic.“I’ve always liked to make a bit of a magical garden,but this year I’ve just been excited,” she said.“Especially it’s just magic at night,absolutely amazing.” An ex-dinner lady,May Proctor,the native,said she and her husband never planned on doing the light display this year.Then as autumn approached,the couple felt that they had to show something.So they decided again to go on to create a light display. The topic for this year’s fairy display—Fairy Lane in Wonderland—is inspired by the mystical world of Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. Throughout the house and garden,visitors will go down a rabbit hole into a fantastic kingdom.“Last year it was just outside,but this year it’s inside,and it’s just amazing,” May explained. “Outside,I’ve made my own fairies and they were hung with the flowers,so it looks like a real Christmas fairyland.But inside,we’ve got some stage properties—so we’ve got a mirror with all Alice in Wonderland features around it.The kids absolutely love it,but I only let ten to twelve inside at a time due to a pandemic disease,where they can sit down and have their pictures taken.” 1.What can we know about May Proctor from paragraph 1 A.She lives in a fairyland. B.She is familiar with Alice in Wonderland. C.She has many small shops in the town. D.She has many children and grandchildren. 2.How did May Proctor feel about the light display this year A.Satisfied. B.Regretful. C.Worried. D.Expected. 3.How can visitors go into the show place A.Walking through the house. B.Walking through the garden. C.Going down a rabbit hole. D.Going through a magic mirror. 4.Why did May only allow several kids to get inside at a time A.The garden was really small. B.She was concerned about their health. C.The hole is too narrow to get into. D.There were not many kids enjoying the display. B Due to climate change and changes in land use,wildfires are predicted to rise by up to 14 percent by 2030,30 percent by 2050 and 50 percent by the end of this century,and even areas once considered safe from major fires such as the Arctic,will “very likely” experience a major increase in burning,according to a new report by the UN Environment Programme(UNEP). The report,Spreading like Wildfire:The Rising Threat of Extraordinary Landscape Fires,says that wildfires and climate ... ...

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