
2024年中考英语考纲单词详解 (10)

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:41次 大小:30543Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中考考纲英语单词详解(10) 1.mad adj.发疯的,很生气的 考点be mad at对······生气。 例句 I'm mad at Marcia.我很生玛西亚的气。 2.make v.做,制造,使,让 考点 ①make sb.do sth.使某人做某事,make sth.done 使某事被做;②词组:make a living 谋生;make mistakes 犯错误;make one's bed 铺床;make up one's mind 下定决心;make progress 取得进步;make faces 做鬼脸;make tea 沏茶;make sure 确信,查明;make fun of 取笑;make oneself at home 随便,无拘束;be made of 由······制成(能看出原材料);be made from由······制成(看不出原材料);be made in在······制造(某物生产于某地);be made up of 由······组成;make sth.for sb.为某人制作某物。 例句 How does Ling Feng make the baby stop crying? 凌峰怎样使那个婴儿不哭的? What's your shirt made of 你的衬衫是用什么做的? Wine is made from grapes. 葡萄酒是用葡萄做的。 The TV set is made in Shanghai. 这台电视机是在上海生产的。 例 Mrs Smith made her students the compositions three times a week. A.write B.to write C.written D.writing 解析make sb.do sth.,故选A。 答案 A 3.many adj.许多的;pron.许多 考点①many修饰可数名词;②how many多少; ③“many a/an+单数名词”作主语,谓语动词用单数。 例句 I have many friends.我有许多朋友。 4.marry v.结婚,嫁,娶,与······结婚 考点 ①marry sb.与某人结婚;②be/get married to sb.与某人结婚;③marry一般不与介词with连用。 例句 John married Mary last week. =John got married to Mary last week. 上星期约翰与玛丽结婚了。 5.mattern.事情,问题,情况 考点 ①What's the matter with sb.?某人怎么啦?②It doesn't matter.没关系 例句 What's the matter with Frank today? 弗兰克今天怎么啦? 6.may modal v.可能,也许,可以,祝,愿 考点 ①may是情态动词,后加动词原形;②may 表示请求许可,意为“可以”,其肯定回答常用Yes,please./Certainly./Of course.等,其否定回答常用can't或mustn't;③may表示可能性,意为“也许,可能,或许”,其否定式常用may not;④表示祝愿,May you succeed!祝你成功! 例句 You may take my car if you want. 如果你乐意的话,你可以开我的车。 May I have a look? 我可以看一看吗? She may go shopping this Sunday. 这个星期日她可能去购物。 7.maybe adv.或许,大概 考点→①maybe是副词,在句中作状语,常位于句首,相当于perhaps;②maybe≠may be,may be 意为“可能是”,在句中作谓语。 例句 Maybe he is a teacher. =He may be a teacher. 他可能是位老师。 8.medicine n.药,医学 考点→①medicine 一般作不可数名词;②take some medicine 吃药。 例句 You should take some medicine. 你应该吃些药。 9.message n.信息,口信 考点①message是可数名词;②take a message for sb.给某人捎口信;leave a message 留口信;send messages 发信息。 例句 Would you please take a message for me? 请你帮我带个口信好吗? 例 We often use the mobile phone to send text to our friends. A.menus B.messages C.advice D.notes 解析 menu 菜单;message 信息;advice 建议;note便条。根据语境可知此处表示“用手机发短信”,故选B。 答案 B 10.might modal v.可以,也许,可能 考点might表示可能性很小。 例句 It might be rainy tomorrow. 明天可能下雨。 11.million num.一百万 考点→①当million前有具体数字时, ... ...

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