
Module 12 Save our world 提升培优(含答案)---2024-2025学年九年级上册 外研版(2024)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:97次 大小:294988Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Module 12 Save our world 提升培优--2024-2025学年九年级上册 外研版(2024) 一、短文填空 The air in California is polluted by soot (煤烟). The officials worry that the air is harmful to people’s 1 . Experts have come up with a plan to stop the air pollution. The new plan has strict limits (限制) on how much soot can be allowed 2 the air. The daily limit of pollution into the air would be cut in half. The new 3 would influence industry as well as people who use wood stoves (炉) and fireplaces. The county will record the air quality 4 day. People would be asked to stop burning wood when the levels are high. 5 would change to another kind of special fireplace. This kind of fireplace 6 very little wood and does not pollute the air so much. The officials will punish families who don't follow the law. Some areas do not 7 many factories. Their pollution problem is not too bad, but they would still have to 8 the pollution. The experts hope that the new plan will help make the air 9 than before. 10 the plan becomes a law, the public will have 90 days to give advice. Then it will be put into effect. 二、选词填空 用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成短文。 take; turn; influence; high; drive; habit; billion; lower; electric; pollute Cleaning up the existing damage to our environment and preventing further destruction (破坏) is a huge job. But a young person can really make a difference, starting with changing some simple everyday 11 . This is your world, so you’re never too late 12 action! First, take shorter showers. It seems like water is cheap and enough but access (使用权) to clean water is a problem for 13 of people around the world. Increasing demand for water also 14 rivers and lakes by 15 water levels, changing water flow with dams and introducing chemicals and waste products. Second, 16 the lights off. The power plants produce 17 and usually release pollutants into the environment. Ask your family to set the temperature of the furnace (火炉) lower and the air conditioner 18 . Sweaters, opening windows and fans will work just fine. Third, ride your bike or walk instead of driving or being driven. Yes, every teen looks forward to a 19 licence and a first car. But automobiles are one of the primary causes of air 20 . Take the bus or subway. It might not be as cool as driving, but it is much more fuel-efficient. 三、补全对话 根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。 A: Hi, Alice. Would you like to help save the environment B: I’d love to. But I don’t know how to do it. A: First you can start by turning off the lights. B: 21 . I’ll do it from now on. What’s next A: 22 B: Yes, I can. I ride a bike to school every day. A: So second, ride a bike or walk for a short journey. 23 . The traffic is too heavy. B: I think so. What else A: Third, you can save water. B: 24 A: That’s easy. Turn off the shower when you’re not using it. B: You are really an environmental protector. I’ll learn from you! Thanks ... ...

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