
Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. 基础达标卷(含答案) --2024-2025学年九年级全册 人教新目标(Go for it)版(2024)

日期:2024-09-27 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:53次 大小:290304Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. 基础达标 --2024-2025学年九年级全册 人教新目标(Go for it)版(2024) 一、单词拼写 1.我们不知道如何让孩子停止哭泣。 We don’t know how to the baby crying. 2.Eric was made (do) the dishes by his mother. 3.The project will reduce pollution and make the streets much (safe). 4.Nothing can make Mary (change) her mind. She is a person who never gives up easily. 5.一开始天气晴朗温暖,但很快就变天了。 , it was sunny and warm, but it changed soon. 6.I controlled the speed of speaking and made myself (hear) clearly. 7.Tom drove by and gave me a (lift) on the way home. 8.I (oversleep), so I didn’t catch the early bus. 9.Let’s (not break) the school rules. 10.You must (kick) the ball and don’t throw the ball. 11.The doctor (examine) her carefully, but he didn’t find anything wrong with her. 12.I’ll have my bad tooth (拔出) out tomorrow. 13.He is sick today, so he feels (comfortable). 14.When I was born, I (cry) heavily the first time in my life. 15.By the time I received the letter, I (tell) the content of it. 16.When Tim get back home, he started to realize that the thief (come) to his house. 17.Few people realized the importance of the (发现). 18.The drop in prices was quite (出乎意料的). 19.I got up early this morning because I didn’t want to (错过) the early bus. 20.When spring comes, the snow and ice (消失). 21.Mike’s father is a (bank). He works in a big bank. 22.Winning the gold medal at the Olympic Games brought him (famous). 23.There was a happy man the street. (用适当的介词填空。) 24.Linda is such a patient p that she never gets angry easily. 二、单项选择 25.My grandmother shook her head _____. A.in disbelief B.in danger C.in red D.in belief 26.By the end of last week, she _____ in the west of China for two months helping the home-less children. A.will stay B.has stayed C.had stayed 27.—Have you got any iPhone 8 —Sorry, they have been _____. You can come a few days later. A.come out B.given out C.sold out D.looked out 28.There was a car accident yesterday. _____, nobody was hurt. A.Lucky B.Luckily C.Unlucky D.Unluckily 29.—Teenagers should study hard. —Yes. We all know that knowledge means _____. A.importance B.attention C.competition D.power 30.—I believe we will achieve our China Dream earlier if all of us _____. —I agree. Let’s do what we can from now on. A.show up B.pull together C.pay attention D.give in 31.The sports meeting was _____ because it rained heavily. A.canceled B.protected C.believed D.provided 32.I couldn’t get a ticket because all of the tickets were _____. A.set out B.worked out C.sold out D.found out 33.—I haven’t seen Bob in the company for a long time. —Oh. He was _____ three months ago because of his bad behavior. A.kicked off B.put off C.turned off D.taken off 34.The chair is too cold. It is _____ to sit on it. A.unimportant B.uncomfortable C.unfriendly D.unfair 三、完成句子 ... ...

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