
Unit 3 My School Section A Grammar Focus (3a-3d)(课件+音视频)【人教2024版七上英语】

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:59次 大小:33868471Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) (人教2024版)七年级上 Period 3 Section A What is your school like Grammar Focus (3a-3d) Unit 3 My School Learning objectives 1.通过观察示例句子,能梳理和归纳询问和回答事物位置的表达方式,以及there be句式的用法。 2.理解含有Where be/There be句式的表意功能,初步建立描述方位的语言意识,在实践中逐步应用句型。 3.能结合自身实际,正确使用there be句式结构和方位介词对中国和英国教室区别的简要报告,分别介绍其各自的优点对中国,并在班级前进行角色表演。 bookcase There are some books on the bookcase. 书架上有一些书。 n. 书架;书柜 screen Our television has a 19-inch screen. 我们的电视屏幕是19英寸的。 n. 屏幕;银幕 New words Where is the girl's coat (外套) Where are the girl's gloves (手套) It's on the desk. They're in the box. where “在哪里;到哪里” (疑问词),引导特殊疑问句,用来询问人或物的方位。 Lead in Read the sentences. It's behind / next to ... 1. 询问单数物品的位置 回答: 常用结构: Where is + 单数名词 回答: 常用结构: Where are + 复数名词 They're behind / next to ... 2. 询问复数物品的位置 回答时常用到方位介词。你知道哪些方位介词呢? Presentation in on under in front of behind next to between across from 方位介词 Presentation The old lady is in front of the bus. The driver is in the front of the bus. The little girl is behind the bus. 在……外部的前面 在……内部的前面 在……外部的后面 Presentation 存现句 (There be Structure) Anna: There isn't a tree. Max: No problem. Is there any orange juice Anna: Yes, there is. Max: Are there any cup cakes Anna: Yes, there are. Hammy: Yummy! Anna: Oh no. There aren't any glasses. Max: Hold on. Lead in Read the sentences. Underline the verbs in there be structure. 3a 系动词be的形式变化一般视其后面的名词的单复数而定。 P39 Lead in 存现句句型结构 1. 肯定句 肯定句句式:_____ There is/are +某人/某物+某地/某时. Presentation 否定句句式:_____ There is/are+not+某人/某物+某地/某时. 2. 否定句 There isn't a whiteboard in my classroom. There aren't any lockers. Presentation 3. 一般疑问句 一般疑问句句式:_____ Is/Are there + 某人/某物 + 某地/某时 简略回答 肯定回答:_____ 否定回答:_____ Yes, there is / are. No, there isn't / aren't. Presentation there be结构中动词be的单复数常遵循“就近原则”,与紧随其后的主语保持一致。 紧随主语是不可数名词或可数名词的单数形式时,动词be用_____;若为可数名词的复数形式时,动词be用_____。 Note 1 1 There ____ a glass of water and three apples on the table. 2 There ____ three apples and a glass of water on the table. Complete the sentences below. is are is are Practice 肯定句中的some在否定句或疑问句中要变为_____。 1 There is _____ water in that bottle. 2 There isn't ____ water in that bottle. 3 Is there ____ water in that bottle Complete the sentences with some or any. some any any any Note 2 Practice 1 墙上有一张地图。 2 我有一支钢笔和两支铅笔。 there be与have都表示“有”,不过_____强调存在,不表示所属关系,_____则强调所属关系。 Translate the following sentences into English. there be There is a map on the wall. I have one pen and two pe ... ...

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