ID: 21255691

北师大版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 5 Humans and nature Lesson1 Reading课件(共14张PPT)

日期:2025-03-09 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:31次 大小:5560106B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 5 Education Lesson1 Enlightening a mind To enlighten someone means to give them more knowledge and greater understanding about something. Can you guess who are they Free Talk Did you know something about this book By the end of this lesson, we will be able to 1.find out how Helen Keller learned words. 2.describe Helen's learning process by the aid(帮助) of a mind map. 3.discuss the qualities of Helen and Anne. Learning Objectives Can you predict quickly what is the story mainly about The story is mainly about the learning and teaching processes between Helen Keller and her teacher Anne Sullivan. Fast reading Tip:You can use the topic or pictures to catch main idea quickly! Read the story quickly , then divide(划分) the whole passage into 3 parts and match(匹配) the main idea for each part. Part 1: para. ( ) Hellen's teacher -Anne Sullivan Part 2: para. ( ) How Anne taught Helen the words Part 3: para.( ) Hellen's problems Fast reading 1 2 3-11 Read Part 1 and Part 2 , then answer the following 2 questions: 1.What are the problems Helen had when she was a child 2.Do you think Anne Sullivan was a suitable teacher for Helen Why Careful reading Pair Work 1.What are the problems Helen had when she was a child 2.Do you think Anne Sullivan was a suitable teacher for Helen Why blind deaf could not speak could not read or write severe restrictions on her communication Yes. Because Anne Sullivan had eyesight problems early in life as well so she could relate to Helen's difficulties. Read Part 3 (Para. 3-11) and answer 3 questions: 1.How many words did Helen learn 2.Which paragraphs were they in doll water love think (3) (4) (6-8,10-11) (9) 3.What is the difference between the two pairs of words doll & water Vs. love & think Careful reading sth. you can touch (simple words) hard to show (complex words) Read Part3 (Para. 3-11) again and finish a mind map to 1.find out how Anne Sullivan taught Helen the words 2.choose Helen's emotional expression(情感表达) of learning these words. How Anne taught Helen the 4 words 1.For the word “doll” Anne let Helen _____,and then_____ 情感:_____ 2.For the word “water” Anne put_____.As the water_____ 情感:_____ 4.For the word “love” Helen thought at first it was the sweetness of flowers,but later _____. “You cannot touch love _____ 情感:_____ 3.For the word “think” When Helen was trying to solve a difficult problem,Anne touched_____.In a flash,_____. 情感:_____ How Anne taught Helen the 4 words 1.For the word “doll” Anne let Helen _____,and then_____ 情感:_____ Read Part3 (Para. 3-11) again and 1.find out how Anne Sullivan taught Helen the words 2.choose Helen's emotional expression(情感表达) of learning these words. (课本P32 活动5 橘框) a: felt hope and joy e: got the world of words opened up to her b: felt puzzled f: understood the beautiful truth of the word c: had a breakthrough g: knew the meaning of the word in a flash d: thought i ... ...

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