
高中英语语法过去完成时 课件(共19张PPT)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:11次 大小:174960Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 语法 过去完成时 课时一 What did you do yesterday I enjoy shopping in the supermarket.Yesterday evening,I _____ (go)shopping near my home.I ____(be) busy all day long. So it was a good chance for me to relax myself. There _____(be) many people in the supermarket.Since I had enough time,I ____(feel) very relaxed. I_____(walk) here and there to see whether there was something I need.I filled my basket with all the goods I chose. I took all my things with me.I _____ (decide) to go home by taxi. went was were felt walked decided How the story goes 句①At the moment,a guide(保安) _____(stop) me and _____(tell) me that I _____ (not pay). 句②I felt very sorry that I_____(forget) it. Have a try stopped told hadn't paid had forgotten 体会上面两句话的动作发生顺序!你会发现:动作谁先谁后 句子1: 阻止和告诉 付钱 句子2: 抱歉 忘记 Task--体会大本P17右下角句子②③,思考并回答? 一般过去时发生在_____ 过去完成时发生在_____ 先 先 后 后 过去 过去的过去 had done 过去完成时主要用来表示在过去之前发生的事或者动作,通常有一般过去时作为参照 had done present Past (did / was/ were) 过去完成时说明动作发生在 过去的过去,译为“已经...” Task--体会大本P16最上面小字 Task--译一译 ②Before Mr Jenkins taught me, science had been a subject full of strange(奇怪的) words to me. 在J老师教我之前,科学对我来说已经是一门充满奇怪语言的学科。 ③She said that she had seen the film before. 她说她之前已经看过这部电影。 ④She wished she had stayed at home. 她希望她已经待在家里了。 Past present arrived had left. The train left the station I arrived at train station 方法: 一分动作先后 二定各自时态 三选引导词连接句子 用when造句 含有过完的特殊句式一 When I_____at train station ,the train_____ I had done my homework went do my homework go to bed 在过去的两个动作/事件中,A先于B发生,但两个动作 事件相隔不久,B使用一般过去时,A使用过去完成时 A B Past 方法: 一分动作先后 二定各自时态 三选引导词连接句子 用before造句 总结:含有过完的特殊句式一 过去完成时常用于:含有when, after, before, since, until, as soon as引导的时间状语从句的主句中 _____before I _____to bed.(do). Exercise 1. When I woke up, it _____raining. 当我醒来时,雨已经停了。 2. He_____ English for five years before he came here. 来这儿之前,他已经学过五年英语了。 had stopped had studied 体会句子: 1.盼盼没有吃早饭。 2.盼盼说:“我没有吃早饭”。 3.盼盼说___没有吃早饭。 间接引语:从别人那里听到的内容,由第三人转述的话。 含有过完的特殊句式二 她 方法:一去引号 二换人称 2如何变成3? Past present he hadn't finished his homework. Tom didn't finish homework. Tom said,'I didn't finish my homework'. 总结:含有过完的特殊句式二: 主句是一般过去时,且从句动作发生在说话前的的间接引语中常用过完。 sb said +主语+had done/had been done 方法:一去引号 二换人称 三改时态为过完(前提主句是一般过去时) Exercise-请转述! 1. Lily saw the film before. Lily said that _____(see)the film before. 2.Lucy said,'I wish to stay at home'. Lucy said that _____(stay) at home. she had seen she had wished to stay Tom ... ...

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