
Unit 4 Fun with numbers 课件(共47张PPT)

日期:2024-09-27 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:29次 大小:39943687Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Fun with numbers. Unit4 Review. 复习部分可以插入数字颜色涂色课件。 Listen and sing What is the song about Listen and sing What is the song about It’s about_____. numbers one two three five six four seven seven nine ten eleven twelve Listen and sing Ten,eleven,twelve! How many birds can you see One,two,three! Four,five,six! Seven,eight,nine! Count,count,count with me! bird birds How many birds Three How many birds Get ready. Task. By the end of the unit,I will be able to... say numbers 1-12; use ‘’’How many ... -One/Two/.../Twelve.’to talk about act out a story about numbers; find numbers around me numbers Read and answer What are they talking about Look at the picture -page44 How many ropes Read and answer How many ropes How do they make it Read and answer Watch the video. That’s _____. amazing a+ma+zing Amy thinks Chinese knot beautiful amazing Read and answer Help Amy know about China. What is it This is a___ _____. How many ropes Only_____rope. Chinese knot one How do you make it Let me show you. 我(宾格)在动词后 Read and answer 特殊疑问词 Act out the text. Wow!What is it This is a Chinese knot. Guess!How many ropes Six It's beautiful! Twelve That's amazing!How do you make it Let me show you. OK.That's great! Look!Only one rope! Six Haha,no. In focus. 对数量提问 How many ropes Only_one rope. How many 名词复数 什么是名词? 名词是表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称,名词同时也分为专有名词和普通名词。 普通名词 普通名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。 下面让我们看一场拔河比赛!. 单数 复数 pen pens tomato tomatoes pencil pencils 普通名词 名词单数就是一个的概念,名词复数就是多个的概念。 那么如何变复 数呢? girl 一般情况,加s girls 以s,x,ch,sh结尾,加es 蛇(sh)吃(ch)了X酱死(s)了 box boxes baby 以辅音字母+y结尾,改y为i,加es babies toy 以元音字母+y结尾,加s toys 以f/fe结尾,改f/fe为v, 再加es leaf leaves photo 以o结尾,无生命的,加s photos potato potatoes 以o结尾,有生命的, 加es 英雄爱吃土豆西红柿和芒果 例1:Let’s not do this. 例2:Let’s not be sad. hero-_____,potato-_____, tomato-_____,mango-_____ 1.一般情况直接加_____; 2.以_____,_____,_____,_____结尾的词加es; 3.以_____字母+y结尾的词,y→_____,加_____; 4.以f或fe结尾的词,f/ fe→_____,加es; 5.以o结尾,特殊记忆词尾加es的情况 (小学阶段常考) : 变化规律总结 s sh ch x s 辅音 i es v heroes potatoes tomatoes mangoes ball- bus- balls buses factory- factories shelf- shelves 英雄爱吃土豆西红柿和芒果 蛇(sh)吃(ch)了X酱死(s)了 Play a game. maps orange map oranges bird birds bike bikes Play a game. box boxes class classes watch watches dish dishes Play a game. photos radio photo radios zoo zoos tomato tomatoes potato potatoes hero heroes Play a game. babies family baby fanmilies boy boys toy toys Play a game. leaf leaves knife knives wife wives 名词复数很简单, 单词后面s添,boy-boys 辅音字母加y要把y变 i es紧跟着单词, baby-babies ch,sh,s和x 最后也要加es, watch-watches f和fe真小气, 需要字母v代替 es跟在后面, 千万别忘记 thief-thie ... ...

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