
Unit 1 Wise men in history 基础达标(含答案)---2024-2025学年九年级上册 沪教版(2024)

日期:2024-10-07 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:55次 大小:31890Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 Wise men in history 基础达标--2024-2025学年九年级上册 沪教版(2024) 一、单词拼写 1.Some soldiers to lead the elephant onto a boat. (ask) 2. up the elephant is not a smart idea. (cut) 3.The table badly by the hot pot. (mark) 4.Boys usually like boxing, but girls don’t. (watch) 5.The elephant is as as the rocks. (heavy) 6.The beauty of the English countryside is beyond . (describe) 7.There are flowers on both of the street. (side) 8.You mustn’t drink the milk, it _____ sour. (go) 9.Horse racing is one of the most traditional in England. (sport) 10.A mark on the side of the boat. (draw) 11.The ship ran against some big . (rock) 12.Archimedes is much than the crown maker. (clever) 13.The bus was very . (crowd) 14.One day, Sun Quan Cao Cao a present. (send) 15.You must keep in the room, as all the other people are reading . (quiet) 16.The story how beautiful the countryside in England is. (describe) 17.An elephant is than a horse. (heavy) 18.He is cleverer than the other in his class. (kid) 二、单项选择 19.He hasn’t decided _____ on a trip to Hong Kong. A.if he’ll go B.when will he go C.where he’ll go D.how will he go 20.He didn’t come back home _____ late in the evening. A.after B.that C.if D.until 21.Cao Chong drew a line on the boat to mark _____. A.how low it goes B.how low did the boat go C.how low did the boat went D.how low the boat went 22.The cost of their trip _____ 5,000 dollars. A.got to B.arrived at C.arrived in D.reached 23.He _____ five apples to make the apple pie. A.cut down B.cut in C.cut off D.cut up 24.When class began, we stopped _____ and listened to the teacher carefully. A.talking B.to talk C.talks D.talk 25.You can eat _____ as you can. A.oranges as many B.as many oranges C.many as oranges D.as much oranges 26.Something is wrong with your computer, _____ A.is it B.is something C.isn’t it D.isn’t something 27.He sat on the beach, watching the sun _____. A.set B.to set C.sets D.to be set 28.They couldn’t find _____ to hold all these books. A.a large enough box B.a enough large box C.a box large enough D.a box enough large 29.He had lunch very late today, _____ A.didn’t he B.hadn’t he C.did he D.had he 30.—Would you like some milk with your tea —Yes, just _____. A.little B.a little C.few D.a few 31.—Hi, Michelle. Is this your MP4 —No, it’s not mine. I think it’s _____. A.someone’s B.someone else C.someone else’s D.else someone’s 32.I want a box three times as _____ as this one. A.bigger B.smaller C.big D.small 33.You will know what happened by _____ a look at today’s newspaper. A.take B.taking C.make D.making 34._____ useful work they have done! A.What B.How C.What a D.How a 35.English seems difficult _____ . A.to be learned B.to learn C.learning D.learn 36.—_____ funny the game show is! —Yes, I really enjoy Yue Yunpeng’s performance! A.What B.How C.What a D.What an 37.The dress looks ni ... ...

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