
unit 1 I can swim练习题(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:16次 大小:1335722Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 2 Me, my family and friends Unit 1 I can swim (1) Ⅰ. Look and circle(根据所给的单词,把正确的单词部分圈出来): r a n r n u r u n s 1. run s w a m s w i m s m 2. swim f l y l f a y l y f 3. fly w e i t e w r i t e 4. write c u n c a n b a n c 5. can y e s g e s p e s p 6. yes w h a r t w h a t s 7. what Ⅱ. Look and number(看图,将单词的编号写在相应的图片下): 1. swim 2. write 3. fly 4. run ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Ⅲ. Read and match(读句子,将下列句子与相应的图片连线): 1. He can sing. ● ●A. 2. He can play football. ● ●B. 3. He can ride a bicycle. ● ●C. 4. He can fly a kite. ● ●D. 5. He can write. ● ●E. Ⅳ. Read and judge(判断下列句子是否符合所给的情景,用或表示): 1.告诉别人,你会风筝,你说:I can skip a rope. 2.想知道对方会做什么,你问:What can you do 3.想知道Danny能做什么,如何问Kitty:Danny, what can Kitty do 4.告诉别人,蜜蜂会飞,你说:Look. The bird can fly. 5.告诉别人,你能在夏天游泳:I can swim in summer. Module 2 Me, my family and friends Unit 1 I can swim (2) Ⅰ. Read and circle(读一读,圈出在意义上属于不同类的单词): 1. 2. 3. 4. Ⅱ. Read and tick(读句子,在相应的图片下打勾): 1. I can write. A. ( ) B. ( ) 2. He can skip a rope. A. ( ) B. ( ) 3. She can sing. A. ( ) B. ( ) 4. -- What can you do -- I can run. A. ( ) B. ( ) 5. Supergirl can fly. A. ( ) B. ( ) Ⅲ. Look and circle(看图,圈出正确的单词): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. sing read run he hand dance write swim she head Ⅳ. Read and judge(判断下列句子是否符合图意,用√或╳表示): 1. 2. Look. She can run. ( ) Can you write Yes, I can. ( ) 3. 4. The boy can swim. ( ) What can Danny do He can write. ( ) 5. 6. Can you dance Yes. I can. ( ) Can you skip a rope No. ( ) Module 2 Me, my family and friends Unit 1 I can swim (3) Ⅰ. Read and circle(读一读,圈出正确的图片): 1. 2. fly can A. B. A. B. 3. 4. swim write A. B. A. B. 5. 6. bicycle girl A. B. A. B. Ⅱ. Read and number(读句子,在相应的图片下编号): 1. Can you write Yes, I can. 2. Can you write No, I can’t. 3. Can you skip a rope No, I can’t. 4. Can you skip a rope Yes, I can. Ⅲ. Choose the best answer(选择最佳答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内): ( ) 1. I _____ sing and dance. A. am B. like C. can ( ) 2. Can _____ swim in spring A. you B. your C. you’re ( ) 3. _____ is Supergirl. A. She B. He C. You ( ) 4. I have(有)two _____. A. hand B. a hand C. hands ( ) 5. What can _____ do He can run. A. Mary B. Alice C. Tom ( ) 6. Can you write _____, I can’t. A. Yes B. No C. / Ⅳ. Read and choose(在括号内写上相应单词的编号): A. fly B. can C. ride D. rope E. I ( ) 1. _____ am a boy, a fat boy. ( ) 2. Look, the birds can _____. ( ) 3. What's this Oh, it’s a _____. ( ) 4. What _____ she do ( ) 5. My grandmother can _____ a bicycle. Ⅴ. Read and choose(读一读,选择正确的应答,将字母代号写在前面的括号内): A. No, he can dance. B. Yes, I can swim. C. I can swim and dance. D. No, I can swim. E. Yes, he can dance. ( ) 1. -- Can you swim -- _____ ( ) 2. -- Can you dance -- _____ ( ) 3. -- Can he swim -- _____ ( ) 4. ... ...

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