
Unit 5 Unit Four At the farm Part B&C Read and write ~ Story time 第6课时 课件+素材(共33张PPT)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:61次 大小:102197304Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit Four At the farm Part B & Part C Read and write ~ Story time Let’s sing pants dress shirt hat coat Quick response. ★ Main scence What clothes can you see Pair work: Point and say. ★ Whose … is/are … It’s/They’re …’s. Look and role-play. ★ Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. Are these …’s Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. Is this …’s Do you know a summer camp What clothes can you pack for it pack Lead in Sarah’s summer camp is over. Look at the photo. ★ Who are they ★ What are they wearing ★ Presentation What clothes will Sarah pack ★ Are these clothes Sarah’s ★ Let’s find out. Read and underline the clothes and their owners. ★ Oh, it’s time to pack my clothes. This is my red T-shirt. These are my blue pants. And those are my shoes. Wait! Is this my hat No, this is Amy’s. Amy! Is this yours Wait Read and circle. ★ 1. Are these Sarah’s blue pants A. Yes. B. No. 2. This is Amy’s red T-shirt. A. Yes. B. No. 3. Whose shoes are these A. Amy’s. B. Sarah’s. 4. Whose hat is this A. Amy’s. B. Sarah’s. Oh, it’s time to pack my clothes. This is my red T-shirt. These are my blue pants. And those are my shoes. Wait! Is this my hat No, this is Amy’s. Amy! Is this yours Listen and repeat. ★ Look and write. ★ Extension Draw your pants and write a sentence. ★ Listen and tick (√) or cross (×). ★ Let’s check Are these shoes yours, Wu Binbin No, they aren’t. They’re John’s. Mike: Wu Binbin: 1 Chen Jie: Amy: Is this hat Sarah’s Yes, it is. 2 Whose shoes are these, Mum They’re your father’s, Sam. Sam: Mum: 3 Whose shirt is this, Mike That’s mine. Zhang Peng: Mike: 4 Look and match. ★ T-shirts hats socks sweaters dresses coats shirts pants jackets sweaters skirts hats This old hat, this old shirt, These old jeans, and this old skirt … Put them away! It’s a sunny, sunny day. It’s time to wear your shorts to play. Let’s sing Look! There are TWO Zips! ★ Who is this ★ What’s he wearing ★ A T-shirt like Zip. Story time Whose T-shirt is this Can you guess ★ Let’s find it out. Let’s watch 1 Dad, can I have your old T-shirt Sure. What for Listen and read. ★ can I have your old T-shirt 2 We’re having a party at school. Really We’re having a party at school. 3 First, tie these. Let me help. 4 Then cut two small holes for my eyes, and cut two big holes for my arms. 5 Not let me draw something on it. 6 Wow! You’ll be a star! How do I look You look like Zip! How do I look 1. 复习了有关衣物类的词汇。 2. 复习了询问并回答物品的主人的句型;复习了确认物品的主人及其答语的句型。 3. 学唱歌曲《This old hat》。 4. 学习了“Story time”部分的故事。 Summary 1. 仿照“Read and write”部分,写一段Mike 收拾衣物的短文。 2. 角色扮演“Main scene”和“Story time” 部分的故事。 3. 完成本单元的课后练习。 Homework Goodbye! ... ...

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