
Unit 2 My favourite season Part A Let’s learn & Read and match 第2课时 课件+素材(共26张PPT)

日期:2024-10-06 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:40次 大小:72591877Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 2 My favourite season Part A Let’s learn & Read and match Let’s sing spring summer autumn winter warm and cloudy sunny and hot windy and cool snowy and cold A: Which season do you like best B: I like … best. A: What’s the weather like in … B: It’s … Which season do you like best A: I like … best. It’s … Free talk What class are the children having ★ They are having an art class. What are they drawing ★ Let’s look at their pictures. Lead in Which season is it ★ Spring. Look at this picture. It’s so beautiful. Presentation Can you say something about spring ★ It’s warm. There are flowers. It’s pretty. … speak sports It’s sunny and hot. The boy is swimming. What’s the weather like ★ Which season is it ★ Summer. bus farmer Can you say something about summer ★ … ice cream skirt hot go swimming Which season is it ★ Autumn. It’s golden. Farmers are busy. Can you say something about autumn ★ … August many fruits golden cool It’s snowy and cold. The children are playing with snow. What’s the weather like ★ Which season is it ★ Winter. Can you say something about winter ★ … white cold snow Every season brings its joy. 春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雪。 Listen and read. ★ spring summer autumn winter Which season do you like best Summer. I can go swimming every day! Let’s learn Practice Which season do you like best Quick response. ★ 英文单词与汉语意思相匹配时,大声读出这个单词;不匹配时,则保持沉默。 spring 春天 summer 冬天 winter 冬天 autumn 春天 summer 夏天 winter 冬天 spring 秋天 autumn 秋天 summer winter spring autumn Read and match ★ Spring is green with flowers and songs. Summer is hot and the days are long. Autumn is golden and the farmers are busy. Winter is white and the year is gone. golden 金黄的 gone 过去 Read and match ★ Do you like the music, children s The Four Seasons Which season do you like best s I like_____. It’s _____.I can_____.s Word banks: 四季:spring, summer, autumn, winter. 形容词:beautiful, pretty, great, wonderful... 可以做的事情:go swimming, play in the snow, go for a walk... Group work ★ Look, write and say. ★ I like _____ best. There are many _____. I like _____ best. I can _____. spring summer eat ice cream flowers I like _____ best. I like _____ Festival. I like _____ best. I can play with _____. autumn Mid-Autumn winter snow Draw your favourite season Word banks: 四季:spring, summer, autumn, winter. 形容词:beautiful, pretty, great, wonderful... 可以做的事情:go swimming, play in the snow, go for a walk... Tips: 画出你心中最喜欢的季节,并用所学句子描述它。 ( ) 1.I like summer best. The days are____ in summer. A. short B. long C. black ( ) 2.Winter is white. I like the____. A. rain B. bees C. snow ( ) 3.Autumn is ____and farmers are busy. A. white B. golden C. green 一、单项选择。 B C B Exercise 1.Which _____(季节)do you like best 2._____(夏天)is hot and the days are long. 3.I like _____(春天)best. 4._____ ... ...

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