
2025届高考英语二轮复习之完形填空语篇衔接 课件(共17张PPT)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:98次 大小:138562Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 完形填空 语篇衔接 语篇衔接 语法衔接 词汇衔接 1.Reference指称 2.Conjunction逻辑联系词 1.Reiteration复现 2.Collocation搭配 语法衔接1:指称(人称、地点、时间、指示代词等) The lamb has been separated from its mother, so I jumped out of the tractor to _____ it while Don stayed in his seat.[2020-7浙江、正答率47%] A. ask about B. play with C. tend to D. run into C 34% 人称指代词 语法衔接1:指称(人称、地点、时间、指示代词等) A Mom always ____ here that, as many times as I zoomed across the lawn after that, I never again crashed into that three[2020-1浙江、正答率18%] adds B. replies C. admits D. supposes 48% He split the money equally among the employees, so everyone got about 300 dollars._____, Galvan could now pay the tip forward. [2021温州二模] In either case B. On the contrary C. What’s more D. Regardless of 语法衔接2: 逻辑联系词(增补型in other words、furthermore) C 语法衔接2: 逻辑联系词(转折型but、however) I was _____ at the thought of living with loads of new people for three months. However, within 15 minutes of arriving, my worries had gone.[2021-1浙江、正答率53%] annoyed B. surprised C. scared D. excited C 30% While restaurants throw away tons of food each year, much of it remain inaccessible because of _____ garbage containers.[2019-6浙江、正答率27%] A. locked B. damaged C. connected D. abandoned A C 语法衔接2: 逻辑联系词(原因型because、consequently) Since his regular job was_____, I asked him why he just didn’t do his sideline full-time[2018-6浙江、正答率57%] A. safe B. important C. boring D. rewarding 30% 24% Most restaurants have a policy against _____ food waste. “Some people even risked their job by giving me food.”[2019-6浙江、正答率32%] A. begging for B. giving away C. hiding D. causing 语法衔接2: 逻辑联系词(隐形原因型) B 54% why By the time I got home, I only had a few hours to do my homework, I had to do it_____[2018-6浙江、正答率37%] A. at last B. right away C. of course D. as usual I realized the bus was out of control when I was _____ the students. [2017-11浙江、正答率76%] A. speaking to B. waiting for C. returning to D. looking for B A 语法衔接2: 逻辑联系词(时间型then、when) 37% Guy Harvold,24, had_____ the students and three course leaders from Gatwick airport, and they were travelling to Bournemouth to meet their host families. [2017-11浙江、正答率47%] A. taken in B. picked up C. tracked down D. helped out As 17-year-old Norwood drove through St. Petersburg last February for a tour, the laughter from the four girls inside her car quickly ___ screams.[2021-11台州一模、正答率47%] A. mixed with B. gave way to C. contributed to D. brought about B B 时间先后关系 伴随关系 因果关系 因果关系 时间先后关系 语法衔接2: 逻辑联系词(隐形时间型—时态) Of all the stories of my early childhood, the one about a ____is my mother’s favorite. I was only two when the incident occurred. We had just arrived home from a trip. I took advantage of my brief freedom to d ... ...

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