ID: 21278335

Unit 2 Meet My Family 第1课时 Listening & Speaking 课件+单元整体教学设计-仁爱科普2024版七上

日期:2024-12-23 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:33次 大小:161802075B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 2 Meet My Family! Lesson 1 Listening and Speaking (仁爱科普2024版)七年级 上 Learning objectives 1 Lead in Pre-listening 3 While-listening Post-listening 5 7 2 4 6 Summary Assessment Homework 8 1 Learning objectives By the end of the lesson, I will be able to... 01 02 03 04 Tell who family members are and what jobs they have; Talk about my family in a nice and proper way. Find out who people are and what they do by watching, listening, and talking; Talk about my own family and what jobs my family members have using the family photo; 2 Lead in Watch and enjoy a video. 2 Lead in What is the relationship of the people in the photo? What do you think of the family Guess a word from the sentence “Father and mother I love you” They are family (members). They are happy, kind, nice, ... Family. 关系 [ f m li] 家庭,家人 Big Question Try to think: What makes a family Let’s begin with the family members. 2 Lead in What family members do you know mother father brother sister ... 3 Pre-Listening Let’s play a guessing game. I'm the lady who gave you birth and loves you very much. Who am I mother [ m r] 3 Pre-Listening Let’s play a guessing game. I'm the one who might fix your bike or read you a bedtime story. I support you a home. Who am I father [ f r] 3 Pre-Listening Let’s play a guessing game. I'm your dad's dad, and I have old stories to tell you. Who am I grandfather [gr n f r] 3 Pre-Listening Let’s play a guessing game. I'm your dad's mom, and I might have a special recipe for you. Who am I grandmother [gr n m r] 3 Pre-Listening Let’s play a guessing game. We have the same parents, but I'm older than you. We might share a room. Who am I brother[ br r] 3 Pre-Listening Let’s play a guessing game. I'm the girl in your family who might share your clothes or your toys. We might argue, but we always make up and stay close. Who am I sister[ sist r] 3 Pre-Listening Let’s play a guessing game. We have the same grandparents, but different parents. We might play together at family gatherings. Who am I cousin[ k z n] 3 Pre-Listening Let’s play a guessing game. I'm your dad's brother, and we might go fishing together. Who am I uncle[ k l] 3 Pre-Listening Let’s play a guessing game. I'm your dad's brother, and we might go fishing together. Who am I aunt[ɑ nt] Tip 1: We can introduce our family members more clearly by using –’s. 我们可以用名词所有格更清楚地表达亲人与我们的关系。 your mum’s or dad’s mother your aunt and uncle’s child your mum’s or dad’s sister your grandmother’s husband your mum’s or dad’s brother cousin aunt uncle grandmother grandfather / h zb nd/ 丈夫 妻子      wife 3 Pre-Listening Match the definitions with members of the family. What kind of picture is it How many people are there in the picture Are they families or friends What do you think of the family It is a photo of a family. There are 9/nine. They are families. It is a big/warm family. 3 Pre ... ...

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