ID: 21278712

Module 3 Unit 2 Daming took a photo of his father 课件(共24张PPT)

日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:39次 大小:45865716B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Daming took a photo of his father. (外研版三起点)五年级 上 1 Core competences 核心素养目标 3 Presentation 新知讲解 5 Summary 课堂总结 2 Lead in 导入环节 4 Practice 知识操练 6 Homework 作业设计 01 Core competences 通过本课时的学习,学生能够: 1、在看、听、说的活动中,获取、梳理短文中去旅游的人物、时间、地点、方式以及所做的事情;(学习理解) 2、在语句和图片的提示下,完成对短文的复述;(应用实践) 3、在教师的帮助下,小组合作完成Amy和Lingling的旅游思维导图。(迁移创新) 02 Lead in Module3 Unit2 Daming took a photo of his father. 03 Presentation Who took this picture Watch and answer Lingling took this picture. Daming took this picture. Pre-Reading watch and say(Where did Daming go ) London the Great wall ShangHai What about the Great Wall It's very old and very long. Careful-Listening Listen and answer the question By coco Emotional attitude Country is everybody's, patriotic is everyone's duty. (国家是大家的,爱国是每个人的责任。) Q1:Who went to the Great Wall at the weekend Q2:How did they go there Q3:When did they arrive there Q4:What did they do there Careful-Reading Read and answer questions Daming and his father went to the Great Wall. Q1:Who went to the Great Wall at the weekend They went there by bus. Q2:How did they go there They arrived there at ten o'clock in the morning . Q3:When did they arrive there They walked on the wall for one hour. They took photos. Q4:What did they do there They took photos of the mountains with beautiful flowers and green plants. What photos did they take a photo of… 一张…的照片 By coco a photo of… 一张…的照片 Hyde Park London Eye Big Ben British Museum By coco Post-Reading watch and imitate Post-Reading 04 Practice Amy and Lingling had a great experience last weekend. Read the text,discuss with your group and try your best to fill the main map.(3 mins) 艾米和玲玲上周度过了一个愉快的周末,认真阅读短文,填满思维导图。 04 Practice Amy went to the zoo with Lingling at the weekend. They went there by car. They arrived there at three o’clock in the afternoon. There were lots of people. They saw so many animals there. They ate some ice creams and drank a cola. They had a good time there. 05 Summary e how went there by bus. when arrived there at ten o’clock in the morning what what took photos walked on the wall for one hour. who Daming and his father went to the Great wall at the weekend. 06 Homework 1.Lisen and repeat the text. 2.Try to share your trips with your family and friends. 3.Write down your lovely time like:I went to....

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