ID: 21279303

Unit3 SectionA 单词课件(人教九年级Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restroom)

日期:2024-11-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:61次 大小:27720149B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are Words and Expressions are in Each Unit n.(美)洗手间;公共厕所 /'restru:m/ rest 'rest room ru:m 单词记忆法 rest + room = restroom n.洗手间;厕所 /'w ru:m/ wash 'w room ru:m 单词记忆法 wash + room = washroom n.洗手间;浴室 /'bɑ θru:m/ bath 'bɑ θ room ru:m 单词记忆法 bath + room = bathroom n.邮票;印章 /'st mp/ st a mp 'st mp n.书店 /'b kst :(r)/ book store 'b k st :(r) 单词记忆法 book + store = bookstore n.明信片 /'p stkɑ (r)d/ post 'p st card kɑ (r)d 单词记忆法 post + card = postcard prep.在...旁边;附近 /b 'sa d/ be b side 'sa d The post office beside the hospital. 单词记忆法 be + side = beside 拓展 in front of prep.在...前面 behind prep.在...后面 next to prep.在...紧邻;在...近旁 between prep.在...和...两者之间 across from prep.在...对面 among prep.在...之中 v.原谅;再说一遍 interj.请再说一遍 /'pɑ (r)dn/ par don pɑ (r) dn 固定搭配 pardon me 道歉;请...一遍 pardon sb. for (doing) sth. 原谅某人做某事 adv.通常;正常情况下 /'n :(r)m l / normal 'n :(r)m ly l 单词记忆法 normal + ly = normally 拓展 normal adj.通常 v/n.仓促;急促 /r / u 固定搭配 rush to do sth. 赶忙做某事 in a rush 仓促;匆忙 The woman isn't ride a bike in a rush. n.管理人员;职工 /stɑ f/ st st a ff ɑ f n.葡萄 /gre p/ gr a e gr pe p v.提议;建议 /s 'd est/ su s gg 'd est est 固定搭配 suggest sth. 提议/建议做某事 suggest doing sth. 提议/建议做某事 拓展 suggestion n.建议 辨析 suggestion 可数名词 advice 不可数名词 v.邮寄;发电子邮件 n.邮件;信件 /me l/ adj.中心的;中央的 /'sentr l/ cen 'sen tral tr l We are acting in the central area. 拓展 center adj.中央的 centrality n.中心;中央 Goods may be sent by surface mail or airmail. adj.附近的;临近的 adv.在附近;临近 /,n 'ba / near ,n by 'ba 单词记忆法 near + by = nearby n.商场;购物中心 /m :l/ all :l n.职员 /klɑ k/ er ɑ cl kl adj.东部的;东方的 adv.向东;朝东 n.东;东方 /i:st/ ea i: st st 拓展 east--eastern west--western south--southern north--northern southwest--southwestern southeast--southeastern northwest--northwestern northeast--northeast 英语中先南北在东西 汉语中先东西在南北 The sun rises in the east. adj.迷人的;有吸引力的 /'f s ne t / fa sci na ting 'f s ne t 单词记忆法 fascinate - e + ing = fascinating 拓展 fascinated adj.着迷的;被深深吸引的 fascinate v.使着迷;入迷 adj.不昂贵的 /, n k'spens v/ in , n expensive k'spens v 单词记忆法 in + expensive = inexpensive 拓展 expensive/dear adj.昂贵的 cheap adj.便宜的 adj.不拥挤的;人少的 / n'kra d d/ un n crow 'kra ded d d 单词记忆法 un + crow +ded = uncrowded 拓展 crowded adj.拥挤的 crowd n.人群;群众;一群 v.拥挤,聚集 adj.方面的;便利地 /k n'vi:ni nt/ con k n ve vi: ni ni ent nt 拓展 convenience n.便利 conveniently adj.便利的 inconvenient adj.不方面的 n.拐角;角落 /'k :(r)n (r)/ corn 'k :(r)n er (r) 固定搭配 the corner of ...的拐角/处角落 on/at the corner 在角落处 in the corner 在角落里 n/v.要求;请求 /r 'kwest/ re r quest 'kwest 固定搭配 request for 要求/请求... requ ... ...

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