
Module 2 My home town and my country 提升培优卷(含听力音频+答案)--2024-2025学年八年级上册 外研版(2024)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:39次 大小:3673619Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Module 2 My home town and my country 一、听力选择 1.Which kind of fruit is the cheapest A. B. C. 2.What can we see on the top of the tall building A. B. C. 3.What’s the weather like in Tony’s home town A. B. C. 4.When did the basketball game become an Olympic event A. B. C. 5.How did the woman go to school A. B. C. 6. A.You are welcome. B.Sure, I’d love to. C.Sorry, I don’t know. 7. A.On my tenth birthday. B.A watch. C.From my uncle. 8. A.It’s interesting. B.I enjoy doing sports a lot. C.Swimming, of course. 9.Who dances better A.Betty. B.Mary. C.Amy. 10.Why does the man prefer the new flat A.It’s near the underground. B.It’s much cheaper. C.It’s less noisy. 11.How’s the weather there A.Warm. B.Hot. C.Cold. 12.Where is the woman from A.China. B.France. C.America. 听短文,回答第一篇小题。 13.Alan was born in _____. A.America B.England C.Australia 14.Alan moved to London because _____. A.he liked the city in England B.his father had a new job there C.he had a lot of friends there 15.Alan enjoyed _____ with his friends before moving to London. A.swimming B.skating C.running 16.The children at school were _____ Alan. A.angry with B.afraid of C.friendly to 17.From the passage, we know Alan _____ his life in London now. A.loves B.dislikes C.doesn’t mind 请听下面的材料,回答下列三小题。 18.Why does Amy like Lucy A.Because Lucy wears cool clothes. B.Because Lucy makes Amy laugh. C.Because Lucy is a good listener. 19.Who is more outgoing A.Lucy. B.Amy. C.The man. 20.What does Lucy look like A.She has short, curly hair. B.She has long, straight hair. C.She has long, curly hair. 听对话,回答以下各小题。 21.Who is shorter, Lucy or Lily A.Lucy. B.Lily. C.We don’t know. 22.What is Lucy like A.Quiet and outgoing. B.Funny and smart. C.Outgoing and funny. 二、阅读理解 Xiajiang Village is in Chun’an County (县), Zhejiang and has a population of about 800. It takes about 3 hours to drive from Hangzhou to get to the small village. It is famous for its beautiful views. Many tourists like to spend their holidays here. The village has a history of over 800 years. The first people here were from Sichuan during the Northern Song Dynasty. From then on, they have called the village home. It has beautiful views, but the village is far from big cities. So few people knew about it in the past. One part of the famous movie My People My Homeland was made here in 2020. The successful movie has brought a lot of tourists here from then on. Tourists like the green mountains, fresh air and clean water here. Everywhere in the village, you can notice green grass, red flowers and nice trees. There are also many things for tourists to do here. They can learn to make zongzi, visit farmers’ houses and learn some farming work. At night, they can live in bed-and-breakfast places. The village was named in the list (名单) of Best Tourism (旅游) Villages in 2023. It is never very hot in summer ... ...

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