

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:33次 大小:47433Byte 来源:二一课件通
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译林英语八年级上册动词适当形式总复习 【答题技巧】 解题时,同学们先要结合所给的单词,领悟句子整体,弄清楚句子含义,然后根据句子的意思判断出应该填写的单词及其正确形式,要注意所填写的单词的词性、是否与句子前后搭配一致、语法是否正确等。名词要注意单复数形式,形容词要注意比较级或者最高级形式,动词要注意时态和语态,等等。 八上Unit 1 1. Usually I am   (thirsty) in the afternoon than in the morning. 2. Can you tell your best friend everything about_____ (you) 3. What_____ (make)your good friends so special 4. You can trust Amy and Helen because they never tell    (lie) 5. They can also tell funny jokes. They are very _____ ( humour ). 6. She is willing_____(share) things with her friends 7 She is also _____(help) and ready_____(help) people any time. 8. She wants to be a_____(sing)when she grows up. 9. I never feel_____(bore) with Victor and he is never_____(patient) with me. 10. Who will you_____(choose) as your best friend. Suzy 11. I'm sure Kitty will win the drawing (compete)_____ . 12. Among the students. Millie is the_____(slow) swimmer while Amy is the ____ (fast)one. 13. I like her bright_____ (smile) eyes 14. When I feel_____(bore) or_____(happy) . I often turn to my best friend 15. People do not like_____(polite) and_____(tidy) children. 16. --What’s Peter’s _____(high) now --It's 173 cm. He grows very fast this year. 17.--Has Kitty got some_____ (weigh) --No, she’s still 40 kg. 18. If we do not take action to protect our environment, it will be_____ (bad) than before. 19. Look at Mimi. What do you give her to eat She is much____ (fat) than last week. 20. I _____ (be) happy if I can make other people happy. Keys: 1、more thirstier 2、yourself 3、makes 4、lies 5、humorous 6、to share 7、helpful 8、singer 9、bored 10、choose 11、competition 12、slowest fastest 13、smiling 14、bored 15、impolite 16、height 17、weight 18、worse 19、fatter 20、am/ will be 八上Unit 2 1._____ (Britain)students spend _____little)time _____ do)homework than Chinese students. 2. I'm learning_____ (France).What about you 3.Daniel jumps _____than me  He jumps the____(far)among us three. 4. Fall is_____ (America) English for autumn. 5. Half an hour for_____(play)computer games and another half an hour for chess. 6. I also keep_____(write)English about my everyday life. I learn by___(use)English better this way. 7. I looked through the questions_____ (care)and then answered them one by one. 8. I read_____(slow) at first, but I am doing much _____ (good) now 9. In a___(mix) school, boys and girls have lessons together. 10.It's like ____(watch)TV. but there are_____(few) advertisements. l1. Millie has   (little) rice than Daniel and she has the   (little) juice of all. 12. On Friday afternoon, our school ends   (early) than usual. 13.Our team_____(win)two games last month. 14. To me,_____(learn)foreign languages is_____(real)fun. 15. The plants need to be watered_____(day) 16. Sometimes, we have a _____ (week) test. 17. -Why don't dogs go to school. Eddie9 -B ... ...

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