
Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 单元同步练习(含解析)

日期:2024-09-27 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:42次 大小:303753Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3同步重点讲练 当堂限时检测 一、单项选择 1.My home is just _____ the supermarket, so it’s convenient for me to shop. A.beside B.between C.among D.at 2.— Do you know _____ —He likes electronic music. A.where he is from B.what music he likes C.who is his favourite singer D.why he likes listening to music 3.— Could you please tell me _____ the famous scientist appear — I think it may be three in the afternoon. A.how B.what C.who D.when 4.—Do you know _____ I’m looking forward to it. —Next Monday. A.when do we have the Science Festival B.when we have the Science Festival C.when will we have the Science Festival D.when we will have the Science Festival 5.—Does my question sound polite enough —I don’t think so. You can ask _____ by using “could” instead of “can”. A.polite B.politer C.politely D.more politely 6.—Oh, dear! It’s very _____ to cough without covering your mouth. —Sorry, Mum. I will be careful next time. A.impolite B.polite C.important D.necessary 7.My answer to the question is wrong. Can you tell me a(n) _____ one A.interesting B.secret C.correct D.active 8.We should make our own decision. A.make decisions with friends B.make decisions politely C.make decisions carefully D.make decisions by ourselves 9.—I think that teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. —_____ I really want to choose clothes by myself. A.Really B.I agree with you. C.No Way! D.Pardon 10.— Do you know _____ we are going to take the school trip — I hear we will go to a village near Mount Huangshan. A.when B.where C.why D.how 11.— Look at that pretty girl! Do you know what she is — _____. A.She is dancing B.She is a dancer C.She goes to school D.She is doing her homework 12.—Could you please tell me _____ —OK. I will go to Beijing next week. A.where will you go B.how you will go to Beijing C.when you will go to Beijing D.why will you go to Beijing 13.—Could you please tell me _____ they will learn Chinese —Of course by communicating with each other in Chinese. A.how B.that C.whether D.why 14.— Excuse me, where can I wash my hands — Oh, there is a _____ near the bus station. A.library B.store C.restroom D.park 15.—Can I order a super large cake in your shop —Yes, sir. We will do everything at our customers’ _____. A.needs B.requests C.wishes D.hopes 16.— Have you got any idea about what we are going to do tomorrow — Yes, I _____ a tour of the museum. It will be great. A.hate B.suggest C.warn D.change 17.If someone arrives early for a business meeting, is it _____ to keep him waiting A.convenient B.impolite C.impossible D.comfortable 18.It is very _____ for passengers to use e-tickets when they take high-speed trains. A.central B.boring C.convenient D.difficult 19.—Anna, hurry up! The movie will start soon. —Oh, it’s just 7:00 now. We have enough time. There is no need to _____. A.develop B.rush C.request D.spread 20.—Excuse ... ...

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