ID: 21293488

Module 3 Heroes Unit1 课件+音频(共22张PPT) 外研版英语九年级上册

日期:2024-10-16 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:32次 大小:42329786B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 3 Heroes Unit 1 His work helped feed millions of people a year, so he was a true hero. What kind of person do you think is called a hero 、、、 Someone who saves people's lives Someone who is greatly helpful to the world Someone who serves to protect his/her country _____is the true hero in my heart, because he _____ develop the hybrid rice and save many people from hunger. He was the father of the two bombs(导弹) and the pioneer and founder of China's nuclear weapons(核武器) development. He put his life to the motherland he loved deeply. He is a national hero. He saved people who suffered from opium(鸦片). He was a brave soldier who died for the country to protect the country's territory(领土) from aggression. n.饥饿 hungry adj.饥饿的 忍受 战士 侵略 为...而死 The Single-Play game Black Myth Wong Kong is _____. inspiring Wong Kong is the hero in the Myth because _____ he is not afraid of power, he won victory over strong enemies. Wong Kong sets a good role model for us.He teaches us _____ _____ _____ the importance of hard work. When we meet difficulties, we never give up. When we fall down, we should get up and try again. adj.鼓舞人心的 战胜 榜样 放弃 跌倒 站起来 1.Who are they talking about A. Yuan Longping B. Zhang Guimei C. Zhong Nanshan 2.When did he received the Medal of th Republic A. In 1999 B.In 2009 C.2019 3.What’s his dream when he was young A. He dreamt of saving people’s lives. B. He dreamt of developing better rice plants. C. He dreamt of travelling around the world. 4.What did he do to realise his dream A. He attended college and did lots of experiments. B.He went abroad and studied for many years. C.He worked hard with the farmers in the fields. 5.What can we learn from him A.He is confident and brave B. He has a strong will and never gives up. C. He is kind and ready to help others. 共和国勋章 实现他的梦想 梦想,渴望 做实验 出国 在田地里 放弃 乐意去做某事 上大学 Yuan Longping’s achievement He developed new _____of rice plants. One of them can produce _____% more rice than normal. He also created rice that can grow in _____soils. He travelled abroad and gave advice about_____rice. His rice is grown in over_____countries. His work helped _____millions of people a year. kinds 30 poor growing 60 feed adj.正常的 n.土地 n. num. adj. num. v. Tips:Before listening ,you should have a prediction. Watch the video and answer the questions in Activity 3 1. What award did Yuan Longping receive 2.What were Yuan Longping’s two dreams 3. What did he do to realise his dreams 4.What kinds of rice did he develop 5.What influence has he had on the world 奖项 对... ...造成影响 Watch the video and answer the questions in Activity 3 1. What award did Yuan Longping receive Read it together and find out the answer. Ms Li: Daming, who's your hero Daming: Yuan Longping! He's my hero because he was one of the world's greatest scientists. He received the Medal of the Rep ... ...

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