
人教版英语中考词汇复习之地点(places)课件 (共41张PPT)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:60次 大小:58035495Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) School Playground school park library police station train station shopping centre Mall bus stop Fire Station Cemetery the bank Gas station hotel hospital What do you think each of these shops sells Next Going Shopping the bakery the shoe store Back the clothes store the florist the clothes shop the bakery market the toy shop the café It’s at the end of the street. It’s on the right. It’s on the left. Understanding Prepositions This is when something is very close to something else. Prepositions are words that tell us where something is in relation to another object. This is when something is facing something else. This is when something is at the back of something else. This is when something is located ahead of something else. This is when something is in the middle of two other things. This is when something is close, but not as close as “next to”. next to opposite behind in front of between near Look at the picture and choose the correct answer. Where is the school The school is next to the park. The school is between the park and library. The school is behind the train station. Reveal the answers Look at the picture and choose the correct answer. Where is the school The school is next to the park. The school is between the park and library. The school is behind the train station. Look at the picture and choose the correct answer. Where is the train station The train station is behind the shop. The train station is next to the shop. The train station is opposite the shop. Reveal the answers Look at the picture and choose the correct answer. Where is the train station The train station is behind the shop. The train station is next to the shop. The train station is opposite the shop. Put the sentences in the correct order. the / next to / park /. / the / school/ is opposite / shop /. / train station / the / is / the park / hotel /. / and / the / the / hospital / between / the / is shopping centre / the / is / police station /. / the / near Put the sentences in the correct order. The park is next to the school. The train station is opposite the shop. The hospital is between the park and hotel. The shopping centre is near the police station. For mon’s birthday today For tomorrow’s breakfast Bob is new in town, here’s his ‘to do list’ First: bank clothes store florist shoe store bakery The Mall in Town

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