
中职英语 上外版 基础模块1 Unit1 Family Section Two 课件(44张PPT)

日期:2024-09-29 科目:英语 类型:课件 查看:100次 大小:2337037Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) NEWSTART ENGLISH FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION 基础模块 1 英 语 Family Unit 1 Home is the first school in our lives and family impacts the growth of children. Learning Objectives I II Section One Getting Ready III Section Two Listening, Speaking and Pronunciation IV Section Three Reading and Writing V Section Four Grammar in Focus VI Section Five Doing a Project Watch and Say A. Reading Pictures B. Building Vocabulary C. Viewing to Learn Learning Objectives Listening : Top-down Strategies Listening: Conversation Listening: Short Passage Speaking: Pair Work Speaking: Group Work Pronunciation Text A and Writing Text B Learning Objectives Nonfinite Verbs Digging In Trying Out Learning Objectives Project A: Designing a Poster Project B: Making a Presentation realise the importance of family in life; connect family with nation by learning about national unity; make predictions based on your experience about the importance of family in one's life; write a passage about the support you get from your family. In this unit, we are going to build positive relationships with families; master the top-down listening strategies; know how to describe our problems to others and work out the solutions together; learn how to improve pronunciation using word stress. In this part, we are going to The “Top-down” listening strategies: listening for the main idea; predicting; drawing inferences; summarizing. 1. 2. 3.4. Step One: Exercise I. The following aspects are family-related. Form groups of three or four and rank these with your partner. Choose the aspects of your family that you think are most interesting and put them at the top. Share your rankings and discuss them with your partner. living place lifestyle hobby personality appearance relationship career 1. 2. 3.4. 5. 6. 7. Step Two: Read the following words and expression. schedule /' edju:l/ n. 日程安排 scenery /'si:n ri/ n. 景色,风景 someday /'s mdeI/ adv. 有朝一日 pass away 去世 Words and Expressions in Focus Step One: Guess the topic of the conversation according to what you’ve done in Before Listening. Step Two: Exercise II. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Tick (√) your choice. T F David is mainly talking about his grandpa. Alice is David’s wife. David’s grandparents are living in the village. David’s grandpa is a soldier. Alice likes village life. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Answer the question: A generation is basically a group of people who were born and lived at the same time. A family tree is the most common form of visually documenting one's ancestry. What is a generation 1. What is a family tree 2. It refers to the differences in attitude toward things or the lack of understanding between different generations. What is a generation gap 3. My uncles’ and aunts’ children are all my cousins, no matter they are male or female. Who are “cousins” in your family 4. Step One: Read the following words. position /p 5z n/ n. 处 ... ...

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