
中职英语 上外版 基础模块1 Unit1 Family Section 3 课件(52张PPT)

日期:2024-09-29 科目:英语 类型:课件 查看:90次 大小:3097987Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) NEWSTART ENGLISH FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION 基础模块 1 英 语 Family Unit 1 Home is the first school in our lives and family impacts the growth of children. Learning Objectives I II Section One Getting Ready III Section Two Listening, Speaking and Pronunciation IV Section Three Reading and Writing V Section Four Grammar in Focus VI Section Five Doing a Project Watch and Say A. Reading Pictures B. Building Vocabulary C. Viewing to Learn Learning Objectives Listening : Top-down Strategies Listening: Conversation Listening: Short Passage Speaking: Pair Work Speaking: Group Work Pronunciation Text A and Writing Text B Learning Objectives Nonfinite Verbs Digging In Trying Out Learning Objectives Project A: Designing a Poster Project B: Making a Presentation realise the importance of family in life; connect family with nation by learning about national unity; make predictions based on your experience about the importance of family in one's life; write a passage about the support you get from your family. In this unit, we are going to understand the meaning and importance of “family” in our life; get familiarised with useful words & expressions about “family”; learn to make predictions while reading; write a passage about the support we received from our family. In this part, we are going to Look at the title and picture of the passage. Answer the questions. Security, love, understanding, help, feeling of belonging, etc. Human beings cannot live alone all the time. We need others to support and to love us, even as we love and support them in turn. What support have you got from your family 1. 2. What reasons do you think will be mentioned about the importance of family Why Family Is Important in Life 1 What is a family Strictly speaking, your family are the people to whom you are related, by birth or marriage. But that is only the beginning of what family means. 2 Family means support. Family is important because human beings cannot live alone all the time. We need others to support and to love us, even as we love and support them in turn. Whether you are applying for a new job or just getting over a difficult breakup, there is no denying that it’s so much easier when you have your family there to support you with their love and care. 3 Family also means security. If you are ever in danger, you will realise that your family will protect you. A good family stands together always. Your family knows your habits. Your family knows when you experience difficulties. Your family understands you. With understanding comes a feeling of belonging. With belonging comes the best thing a family has to offer: love. 4 Family is your centre on Earth. No matter where you go, you always know that you have a home to go back to. When you step out into the world, if you have your family by your side, you never need to feel that you are alone. You are always at home when you are with your family. 5 Your family ... ...

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