
Unit 1 School is interesting:Listening and Speaking(课件)2024-2025学年中职《新技能英语基础教程1(第二版)》(外研版)

日期:2024-09-29 科目:英语 类型:课件 查看:80次 大小:126498814Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 新技能英语 English for New Skills Unit 1 School is interesting 01 Do you like your school 02 What’s your favourite subject Watch the video, look at the picture, and discuss: After learning this unit, you will be able to: 02 01 describe school subjects; talk about after-school activities. CONTENTS . Warming Up Reading and Writing More Activities Around the World Reading Aloud Listening and Speaking My Progress Check 02 Listening and Speaking Home Listening and Speaking Home 马宏达,浙江建设技师学院16级建筑装饰技师班学生,获得2022年世界技能大赛特别赛抹灰与隔墙系统项目比赛冠军,实现了该项目中国金牌零的突破。 大力发展职业教育 Intensify efforts to develop vocational education Listening and Speaking Home Young people should concentrate on their studies and learn to serve the motherland, the people and the Chinese nation during the school time. 年青人在学校要心无旁骛,学成文武艺,报效祖国和人民,报效中华民族。 Listening and Speaking Home If the young generation has ideals, abilities and responsibilities, the country will have a future and the nation will have hope. 青年兴则国家兴,青年强则国家强。 01 Listen and learn. 听录音,学习下列词语。 skill-training class machine subject cookery accounting Listening and Speaking Home the dialogue skill-training class 技能培训课程 e.g. Accounting simulated test class is one of skill-training classes for the students majoring in accounting. 会计模拟实验课程是会计专业学员的技能训练课。 Listening and Speaking Home Back the dialogue machine n. a piece of equipment with moving parts that is designed to do a particular job. 机器;机械装置 e.g. How does this machine work 这部机器是如何工作的? 词形变化: machinery n. 机械 machinist n. 机械师 Listening and Speaking Home Back subject n. an area of knowledge studied in a school, college, etc. 学科;科目;课程 e.g. Biology is my favourite subject. 生物是我最喜欢的学科。 Back Listening and Speaking Home cookery n. the art or activity of preparing and cooking food 烹饪术;烹饪;烹调 e.g. The school runs cookery classes throughout the year. 这个学校全年都开设烹饪课。 词形变化:cook v. 烹调;做菜;n. 厨师 cooking n. 烹调 cooker n. 炊具 Listening and Speaking Home Back accounting n. the process or work of keeping financial accounts 会计 e.g. Most large companies now use computers for accounting and housekeeping operations. 多数大公司现在用计算机进行会计运算和内务操作。 词形变化:account n. 账目; 账户 accountant n. 会计 Home Listening and Speaking Back Listen and practise. 听录音,谈论校园生活。 Q: Where does Li Wei have skill-training classes A: In a factory. Home Listening and Speaking 02 Li Wei: You know, my school is quite different. Sophie: Really Li Wei: We have our skill-training classes in a factory. Sophie: What do you usually do there Li Wei: We learn how to use the machines. Sophie: That’s interesting. Tips In what way 是In what way is it different 的省略形式。在口语中,常会用到一些省略形式。 02 Listen a ... ...

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