ID: 21300510

Unit 6 At the snack bar教学设计

日期:2024-10-16 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:66次 大小:21966B 来源:二一课件通
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4Aunit6 At the snack bar 【教材分析】 《At the snack bar》是在学生已经掌握句型Would you like … 的基础上进行教学的。这部分内容是日常生活中常见的交际用语。本课时教学《At the snack bar》,主要引导学生通过听、读、说、编对话等,练习和巩固重点句型和词汇,同时,也培养学生的语言运用能力与团队合作意识。 【教学目标】 1.知识技能目标:学生能理解、会说、会读单词: snack bar, hamburger, a glass of, noodles, dad, sandwich, a cup of;句型: What would you like I’d like…, please. Anything else 2.能力目标:通过本节课,学生能把所学的句型和词汇运用到实际情境中,提高英语口语的运用能力。 3.情感态度目标:学生通过本课时的学习能够学会征求别人的意见。 【教学重点】 学生能理解、会说、会读单词: snack bar, hamburger, a glass of, noodles, dad, sandwich, a cup of;句型: What would you like I’d like…, please. Anything else 【教学难点】 学生会使用新单词、新句型来询问所见事物以及征求别人的意见。 【设计理念】 本节课的重点是让学生通过学习,能正确地朗读、理解和表演本单元At the snack bar的Story time,同时,能正确运用Story time中的单词与句型,和他人交流。在教学过程中,我会合理利用教材。同时,以学生的兴趣为导向,让学生在丰富多彩的活动中学习,把机械的操练升华为对语言的运用,真正体现语言的交际功能。 【教学过程】 Step 1 Warm up 1. Greetings T: Good afternoon, class. S: Good afternoon, teacher. T: Boys and girls, today I’m your new English teacher, you can call me Melody. So, are you happy now S: Yes! T: Ok, now let’s play a game together. 【设计意图:游戏能拉近师生的心理距离,使得课堂氛围更融洽。】 Step 2 Presentation 1. Show the title T: If you see a picture or a word, please read it loudly, if you see a person ,please say “Hello,…” Ss:...grapes, cake,Hello, Bobby, Hello ,Sam! T: Ok ,they’re Sam and Bobby, let’s say “How are you” to greet with them. Ss: How are you T: “We are hungry”. Oh, Bobby and Sam are hungry, So they go to the snack bar . Teach: snack ,black, ack, snack,G1-G4, bar, car, ar , snack bar, boys read, girls read,together. T:Bobby and Sam are at the snack bar, so today we’ll learn Unit 6 “At the snack bar” Read together Show the title: Unit 6 At the snack bar Teach: Unit 6 At the snack bar 【设计意图:通过游戏即复习了前几个单元的单词,并且用2个卡通人物Bobby和Sam来引出来“How are you”这句问候,用”Im hungry”来引出本文的课题在小吃店里!引出本课标题At the snack bar】 2. Teach the sentence pattern T: What food would they like Let’s ask Bobby first. Ok, now let’s ask Bobby “What would you like ” Ss: Bobby ,Bobby what would you like Tape: I’d like a hamburger. Teach: hamburger Yes, we can answer I ‘d like… 【设计意图:利用Sam 和Bobby需要哪些食物来引出What would you like I’d like …这个句型,教授hamburger】 3. Teach: sandwich and noodles Ss:Sam, Sam, what would you like Tape:I’d like a sandwich. Teach: sandwich(sticker, with, one by one) T:What else would Sam like Tape: I’d like some noodles too. Teach: noodles(cool, two by two) 【设计意图:先问Bobby,再问Sam,引出sandwich和noodles】 4.Chant T:Now let’s chant together. First listen to the tape. What wou ... ...

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