ID: 21300512

Unit 6 At the snack bar表格式教案

日期:2024-10-16 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:80次 大小:24746B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit6 At the snack bar 学校 课题 4A Unit6 At the snack bar 教时 日期 执教 一、教学内容:Story time 二、教学目标: 1.能听懂、会读、会说、会写单词:coffee 2.能听懂、会读、会说词汇:at, snack bar, hamburger, sandwich, noodles, a glass of, a cup of 3.能听懂、会读、会说、会写句型:What would you like?I’d like …, please. Anything else 三、教学重点: 1.能够熟练掌握本节课的食物和饮料类词汇:hamburger, sandwich, noodles, coffee 2.能够运用句型: What would you like?I’d like …, please. Anything else 3.能流利朗读并表演对话。 四、教学难点 1.词汇:hamburger, sandwich, noodles, coffee的读音。 2.能初步区分可数名词与不可数名词。 五、教学准备:课件,本课所需物品的图片 Teaching Procedure Sate Teacher’s activity Learners’ activity Purpose Pre-task preparation Step1. Warm up 1. Say a chant < For you and me > T: What’s the rhyme about 2. Brainstorm T: Can you name some food T: Do you like them T: I like them too, but where can we buy them Buy food and drinks. 新授snack (black)bar(car)3. 揭示标题 Today we will learn Unit6 At the Snack Bar. T: Look! Here***es our friends. Who are they S: Yes. They are Mike, Helen and their father. It’s time for lunch. They are hungry. I am hungry too. Let’s go to the Snack Bar together. S: Food. S: egg, ice cream, hot dog, cake, sweet, pie. S: Yes. S: Snack Bar. S: At the Snack Bar. S:Mike, Helen,and father. 通过三年级学过的chant作为热身,活跃课堂氛围,同时通过chant引出头脑风暴,激发学生思维,既复习了已经学过的小吃及水果类单词,又引出本课主题。 While-task procedure Step2. Learn and talk 1. Let’s learn T: We would like to order something to eat and drink. Look, here is a menu of the snack bar. (出示菜单) T: I’d like a hamburger and a glass of juice. T: What would you like 依次进行单词教学 Teach: hamburger, a hamburger sandwich, a sandwich noodles, some noodles milk, a glass of milk coffee, a cup of coffee (要注意引导学生区分a, some, a glass of, a cup of的用法) T: Ok. We know some kinds of food, can you ask your partner what would he or she like Work in pairs. And do the dialogue. 2.小组对话熟练新单词 3.处理文本信息 T:I know what you would like But what would our friends like 1)Listen and tick T: Look, they are ordering food. Listen and tick what food do they order Now let’s listen. (播放课文录音,学生在练习纸上打钩) T: Let’s check it together. What food do you listen 2)Watch and answer T: Let’s watching the cartoon.and find the answer What would Mike like What would Helen like And what would their father like ①T: What would Mike like ②T: What would Helen like ③T: What would Dad like T: Is your answer right T: Great! Now, Let’s open your books. Read the story by yourselves and check the answer what would they like 3)underlined the sentences the waitress says. T: Now. What does the waitress say Underline the sentences the waitress says. 讲解:当我们问对方还需要其他东西吗,我们可以怎么问呢? 新授Anything else 4) Let’s read T: Listen carefully and try to imitate the pronunciation and tone. 听录音跟读课文,注意 ... ...

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