
Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!Section A(1a-1c)课件(共16张PPT) 人教版英语九年级全册

日期:2024-09-27 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:52次 大小:11865852Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Section A 1a-1c Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth! The earth is polluted. Lead-in There is too much pollution on the earth. What can we learn from the video What kinds of pollution do you know land pollution noise pollution air pollution water pollution What has caused the problems The environmental problems are really serious these days. Environmental pollution is worse and worse. What has caused the problems littering The environmental problems are really serious these days. Environmental pollution is worse and worse. Littering has caused land pollution . What has caused the problems littering The environmental problems are really serious these days. Environmental pollution is worse and worse. Littering has not only caused land pollution but also water pollution. What has caused the problems rubbish The environmental problems are really serious these days. Environmental pollution is worse and worse. People are throwing rubbish into the river. Even the bottom of the river is full of rubbish. What has caused the problems factories The environmental problems are really serious these days. Environmental pollution is worse and worse. The factories that burn coal have polluted the air with a lot of black smoke. What has caused the problems factories The environmental problems are really serious these days. Environmental pollution is worse and worse. The factories are putting waste into the river. Here are some words related to different kinds of pollution. Write them in the box below. Then add more words. e.g. This unit is related to saving the earth. 这个单元和拯救地球有关。 be related to.. 与......有关 How to protect the environment How should the environmental problems be solved We/Everyone should... Listen and complete the sentences. really dirty rubbish fish litter waste government close down clean up 含情态动词的被动语态:情态动词+be+v.过去分词 1b Why 2b Listen again and complete the sentences. 1. The air is badly polluted because there are _____on the road these days. 2. Factories that burn coal also _____ the air with a lot of black smoke. 3. There is also too much rubbish and waste. People _____things every day. 4. People are also littering in_____ like parks. This turns beautiful parks into ugly ones. more cars pollute are throwing away public places What should we do to save the earth Summary Free Talk Environmental problems Solutions to the problems The environmental problems are really serious these days. Environmental pollution is worse and worse.People are throwing rubbish into the river. Even the bottom of the river is full of rubbish.The factories that burn coal have polluted the air with a lot of black smoke. People are littering in public places like parks. To cut down the pollution, we should write to the government and ask them to close down the factories. We should stop people littering everywhere. We should help to clean up the polluted rivers. Everyone in th ... ...

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